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I walked back home and told debby and my mommy that Ben said hi and how I met him at gym.

I also told them about luke. But not my mom. She jump to freaking conclusions then want to see him and if she does lets just say hes gonna end up like her tvs during movie night with her or worse.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Its been a whole month and a few days since luke and I spoken to each other. I keep thinking if he ever was gonna kiss me. But its not like I care at that time I only just met the boy and even now I don't care because we never speak to each other.

I was soo busy in thought that I didn't even realize what the teacher was saying. Its music class and we have a sub mrs.Davis is on a business trip from her other job. She probably will be gone for a whole 2 months.

"......... and Adassa."

"Wait what?"I asked turning to rose who was messing with her nails.

"Your with luke, for this music project."she said.

"Oh, okay thanks."

"Samuel and martha." The sub ms.angus continued reading the paper.

Once the teacher was done with the name she began to speak saying. "Im going to tell you all that this project will have nothing to do with music,but its kind of an opening up to you partners."

Oh no were partners it already bad enough we have to do this stupid project as long as until she comes back or more I know mrs.davis and she does this for a reason. Next thing ya know its the whole year.

"Im gonna tell you what you kids have to do after everyone is seated with their partners. I know you kids tend to forget what to do after all that walking around and stalling you guys do. Now go on and sit next to your partners everyone."ms.angus finish saying.

Everyone gets up and push and shove the chair saying "I don't want to be partners with him or her." Or "ugh I can't move I don't feel like moving."    Lazy a- I mean butts.

I overheard katy whispering to the sub. "Can I be partners with Ashley please."

"As much as I would let you im not the teacher who assigned this sooo im sorry."

"Noooooooooo please ill find you a boy friend or even a husband you single. Your really pretty and-"

"I think thats enough katy isn't it. Thanks but no thanks." Ms.angus smilied uncomfortably(if that even makes sense)

"Shes sooo........ ugh I can't explain." Rose whispered to me.

I just nodded don't know why and got and sat next to luke.

Rose sat next to Eric.

Debby was with drake.

And lina with Scott.

"Bb, hiii." I whispered to debby.

"Hiii, girllll didn't I tell you not to call me that especially in public."
She wispered back.

"Well I don't care I think it kinda cute sooo whatever."

She just rolled her eyes and faced foward.

Bb is her extra nickname. Its a nickname for a nickname debby short for Deborah or debbrah.
and bb short for debby.
I used to always call her that but now I only do that when I feel lost, scared, sad, very very extremely happy or excited or weird.

And right now I feel sooooo weird around luke hes acting like im freaking invisible I need my big sissy.

"Whats wrong dassa?"
Debby whispered to me.

"I need you I feel soooo weird."

I feel likw crying for what I don't know.
But I will never cry in front of people not even my mommy only when she not angry and thats basically never she sees tears as a strength of weakness. She thinks people hurt me or I hurt myself she het angry fast.

It the way luke is looking right now makes me feel out of place.

"Okay sooo the project is basically on similarities and differences on each other. What do you have in common and what do you guys not have in common. Place it on a board and not only that but also get to know each other. At least 15similarities and 10differences from both of you. So in all its ...... well, you should already know. Tomorrow you will get your board but in the meantime for the rest of the class chat away I don't care go on your phones but stay in order don't get me into too much trouble."


5 minutes later.

"Come on luke we can't play the silent game right now. Lets play a game or something.

"100 years later." I said a robotic voice off spongebob.

"I see the smile forming on your face."

He then looked at me and we locked gazes for a few seconds.

Then he turned around.

"Oh come on." Its hopeless he probably hates me I dont know why he won't talk to me.

As much as I hate to say or do this I must go talk to the only person he talks to ............. Freaking drake.  I like how that sounds.

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