Chapter 27

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I could imagine Jen smiling at the man hung in front of the castle with pride. She had caused this destruction and off to the side of her would be Kyle yelling, "Part two complete."

When Trent and I first arrived back at the castle all Kally did was cry. The man she loved was hung by his head that was no longer attached to his body. That's how to get rid of a regular vampire; cut off their head. But hearing about it was different than seeing it, and for the first time I felt saddened for a vampire death. Kally couldn't look out the window anymore and had to ask guards to nicely remove the body from the ground and the head from the stake, they would bury the body later.

It wasn't just the body that was on the ground, but there was a sign that lay directly next to his hand. In dark black ink it read, "Saving Humans Cause."

"I want anyone who has information on who was part of the riot to come directly to me," Kally said, as she made her way to the kitchen where the dining room table sat. We were all going to have a long discussion on what has been happening.

Something I wasn't looking forward to.

Trent scooted the chair out for me to sit, and then pushed it in when my butt hit the cushion. He sat directly next to me as more guards started to fill in the room, not everyone could sit, so they stood with their backs against the wall. Not everyone was here either, because some had to still do patrols.

"They came and left once the kill happened. Does anyone know why that happened?" Kally's voice sounded deadly as she examined everyone around the room.

A guard closest to the door spoke up. "They wanted to prove some kind of point. They clearly are trying to get rid of high up people. No guards were seriously injured. They also seemed to know that the prince wasn't here, even before the footage at the blood bank was on TV."

Kally nodded her head. "Someone must be working on the inside." Another guard came up to her and whispered something in her ear before he left. He was quiet enough to not allow me to hear him, although he was just standing across from me.

"Who would go against us?" Trent asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe whoever knows what 'Saving Humans Cause' is, could tell us." She gave another beaded look around the room.

I was debating with myself if I should tell her or not, but thought this would be a good time to come clean. I wasn't trying to kill the prince anymore, I wasn't trying to protect the hideout for the cause, and I was no longer going to hide Jen. Everything was laid out on the table. Jen made her move; it was time to make mine.

"It means it's a way to take down the vampires, to save humans."

She gave me a strange look. "How do you know this?"

Think fast. "I know this because when I was kidnapped I overheard people talking about it." Why was I lying again?

"Did you hear anything else?" She didn't believe me.

I wouldn't believe myself either, I sounded like a scared girl facing her bullies.

"They were planning to get rid of the prince; I don't know why they would do that though." I was starting to sound like Greg. I was such a bad liar, but I was only keeping out the bad stuff. I didn't want them to turn against me. I'm trying to help.

Kally stood up fast from her chair. "Why didn't you tell us that before? This could have been prevented! Were you even kidnapped? Are you the one who has been working on the inside?" Too many questions at once.

"I didn't want to give you false information if it wasn't true, and..." I looked over at Trent with the same pleading eyes he showed me. "I wouldn't hurt you."

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