Part 2

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Part 2

But Alex wasn't wallowing this time because this was Scotty's one night stand they were talking about and that'd just be awkward. It didn't stop him from thinking about the possibilities, though, because he thought about a lot of things that could never really happen, and all of those thoughts tended to end in a spectacularly bad fashion. Felix had said he wasn't the type to get into a relationship and Alex would've just been setting himself up for a fall but that didn't mean they couldn't be friends. So, when he saw Felix sitting in the library, poring over a book, he took the opportunity life had thrown at him.

"Hey," he said, setting his coffee down and dropping his notebook on the table. "Is this seat taken?"

"No, feel free," Felix said, before looking up and gesturing wildly. "Hey, I know you, you're ... ginger."

"Really? Are you going to get into this with me again, kitty?"

"Sorry," he said, rubbing his face with his hands. "I just can't remember your name, it begins with an L?"

He looked genuinely concerned about forgetting but Alex brushed it off because he'd done worse in the first few weeks of university. "My name's Alex. You made me coffee once."

"You're two sugars."

He smiled, pleased, "Yeah."

Alex took a seat, firmly claiming the workspace as his by spreading his sheets and handouts around, and started to get to work. For all he liked to socialise, he had actually come to the library for a reason. Professor Myers had set them their first marked essay and Alex was mildly horrified by having to write two thousand words and cite his sources. It wasn't going as well as he'd hoped it would. Ellie was facing the same kind of dilemma—they were Econ students, not English—and he really wished he knew someone who liked playing around with words. He glanced over at Felix as he chewed his pen, seeing him reading something that looked like literature, and mused as an idea came to him.

"Hey, Felix, you're good with words, aren't you?"

"I'd hope I am, considering the course I'm studying."

"So, theoretically, you'd know how to write and structure an essay?"

He looked down at Alex's papers, smiling with fondness. "Do you need some help?"

"Are you offering?"

"If you give me your laptop, I'll show you a few good sites for essays."

It was, of course, the one day Alex hadn't brought it with him to uni. "I can try and find a free computer here."

Felix shook his head. "It's packed today, I don't think there are any. How about we go to my place? I literally live just behind the library."

"Seriously? That's so close."

He smiled wryly. "It's not as good as you think it is. I mean, sure, it's convenient but then you realise the LCR holds fairly regular nights out and you have to deal with the noise when people arrive and leave. I couldn't sleep at all for the first three weeks."

Felix hadn't been kidding when he said he lived close by and it only took five minutes to get into the halls complex. He lived on the first floor which had the advantage of not being too high up when struggling with shopping and moving in and out and not being so low down that drunk kids would rap on the windows at night. Alex knew because he was a ground floor student and he had suffered.

"It's a bit untidy," Felix said, gesturing at the common area. "But it's not unclean, probably."

Alex pulled a face. "I'm not reassured by that, you know."

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