Part 11

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Part 11

Alex wasn't new to having crushes.

He knew himself well enough to say with confidence that his crush on Marcus wouldn't go away anytime soon but it probably wouldn't get worse, either. As long as things stayed the way they were, Alex could make it through his interactions with Marcus without ever giving it away. He didn't want to be that guy, the one who made things awkward when it was just a crush, so he viciously stamped down on that emotion. No one had to know.

If anyone noticed that Alex was a little too attentive when Marcus spoke or moved or did absolutely anything, well, they didn't mention it.

That wasn't to say they didn't mention the amount of time they spent together, though. After all, what were his best friends worth if they didn't tease and embarrass him?

"You know, considering he's Scotty's friend, you're spending a lot of time with Marcus." Imogen said, aiming for casual and getting nowhere close.

"He's our friend." Alex said, placing emphasis on the second word.

"It's not the same thing." Imogen insisted. "It's like how we'd say Felix is clearly your friend more than he is ours."

From where he was sat next to Alex, Freddie lifted his coffee in agreement. "I get that."

Alex wasn't sure he did.

Imogen tapped her fork against her lips, thinking. "Let's say we go to a party and you meet someone but you forget their name. What you remember, however, is that Bob introduced you to them. So they're Bob's friend, that's their identifier."

Alex laughed. "I'm Felix's identifier?"

"You're together most of the time. You guys are freakishly codependent."

"We're not codependent."

"We're not." Felix said, surprising Alex by agreeing with him. "Codependency suggests a bad relationship. Ours isn't like that, we're soulmates."

Imogen leapt on that, typically.

Alex groaned, turning back to his breakfast and stabbing at a slice of sausage. Ellie was the only one sympathetic to his plight, reaching across the table to pat his hand.

"Thanks, Ellie. It's good to know at least one of you doesn't think anything weird about my friendships with Marcus and Felix."

"No," and then she grinned, "I think there's something weird about your relationship with Scotty. First you're best friends with his one night stand and now his coursemate? Some might call that obsessive."

Alex rolled his eyes, chucking a napkin at her.

Because, for all they were teasing, there were close to the truth. He wouldn't say he was obsessed with Marcus, though, but fascinated. Marcus was the only bisexual person he'd ever had the opportunity to meet and maybe the shock of that would wear off soon but, right now, Alex wanted to know everything about him. Not just his sexuality, though, but him as a person.

He started small, with non-invasive questions and comments, since he knew how private Marcus was as a person.

"My favourite colour's blue." Marcus said, when he was asked. "Midnight blue, I think."

"Why blue?"

"It was my house colour when I was in junior school. I was a good kid so, for four years, I focused on collecting blue stickers next to my name on the chart. It's stupid, really, but I still can't shake liking it."

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