Part 12

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Part 12

Come morning, Alex had a hangover.

He'd set his alarm for nine, in the foolish hope of making it on time for his lectures, and he'd woken grumpily, only staying awake long enough to down two glasses of water and an aspirin. His phone had flashed at him with unread notifications but he was too tired to look at it. Instead, he sought comfort underneath the warm covers of his bed.

Waking up the second time was worse. The extra sleep hadn't done anything for him and his stomach and head both hurt too much to entertain going out and doing stuff. If he had it his way, he wouldn't have moved from his bed at all but he needed food, something plain like toast to settle his stomach, and he had to venture into the kitchen to grab it.

Scotty was there already, looking just as shit as Alex felt.

"Morning." Alex said, voice croaky and hoarse.

He didn't lift his head off his arms but he grunted.

Honestly, Alex was fine with this level of interaction.

He ate his toast quietly and then they sat in relative silence. One of their rooms would've been more comfortable but Alex had slept too much to want to lie down again and he was too lazy to make the move. He thought Scotty felt the same way and, if he did, Alex didn't want to be alone again. He liked having Scotty's company, if only to be sure that he wasn't the only one suffering after their post-results celebration.

After a while, though, even Scotty had to move.

"You want coffee?"

"I always want coffee."

The time on his phone told Alex it was three already, which was funnily enough when he would've finished lectures for the day, and he resigned himself to having to catch up on those lectures. Well, at least he didn't have the dilemma or choosing to stay with Scotty in the kitchen or to rush to lectures. He'd missed them all already.

"Here." Scotty handed him his cup, placing his own drink in front of his spot. He grabbed chocolate digestives as well, a go to for lazy days, and placed them on the table. "Help yourself."

Alex took a biscuit, dipping it in his coffee, and letting it crumble in his mouth. It was a weird taste but not unpleasant and he did it a few more times before he decided he liked both separately.

Scotty was watching him lazily when Alex looked up, his eyes tracing his face.

"What?" he asked.

"Marcus said you got in a fight last night. I didn't believe it but I guess that bruise on your cheek means it must have happened."

Alex brushed his cheek self-consciously, wincing when he felt the ache, and said with a deliberate casualness. "Marcus spoke to you?"

Scotty shook his head. "He messaged the group chat when you guys got kicked out and again when he dropped you off at the flat."

"Did he get home okay?"

"Yeah, he didn't drink as much as we did. He's not a fan of getting completely wrecked on nights out. Now, I wish I subscribed to that theory, too."

"I feel that. Last night was a bad one," and then he paused, thinking, "but Marcus did kiss me."

Scotty peered at him and said carefully. "I didn't know you had that kind of relationship."

"It's a new thing."

"You and Marcus, huh," he said, sounded surprised but not upset, "he's not the guy I thought you'd date but he's probably the best person. He's a nice guy. You guys suit each other, he's private and he thinks in the long term, and I know he'll be kind to you.

Alex and Felix (LGBT) ✅Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora