Part 3

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Part 3

Ellie shuffled into the kitchen still in her pyjamas, placed her bread into the toaster, and then did a double take at the sight of Alex and Felix eating cereal in just their boxers. Personally, Alex wasn't sure he saw the issue here because she'd seen him in a worst state but then he remembered that he was sitting next to a shirtless Felix and things started to slot into place. Puberty had clearly favoured one of them over the other. And it had not been him.

"Morning, Ellie," he said, once he'd swallowed his mouthful. "This is Felix, my cute little kitty cat."

"Shut up, princess," he said but he was grinning goodnaturedly.

Ellie looked between the two of them, confused. "What happened last night? I know you didn't go out."

"I found him drunk and lost outside so I invited him in to sleep and eat my cereal while he made me coffee in return." He paused, thinking about it. "There's a sort of deja vu here."

He laughed. "Yeah, but this time I slept with you."

Ellie's eyes looked positively owlish.

"We didn't have sex," Alex clarified, "I think he was probably too drunk to give consent anyway, although you can't tell it from his complete lack of a hangover."

"Lucky bastard."

"Mm, he's such an ass."

"I think you mean 'mm, his ass'."

Felix's lips curled up. "Thanks, sweetheart, but you're not exactly my type."

She sighed, pouring herself some of the leftover coffee. "It's always the hot ones, isn't it?"

"Well, I don't know, Alex here is pretty hot, too."

Ellie, to her credit, didn't correct him. Instead, she just joined them by the table with her toast and chocolate spread. "Of course my best friend is smoking hot, although I'd be required to say that even if he wasn't."

"That's the only reason I keep you around." Alex teased.

Alex and Ellie had known each other since the first day of infant school but they hadn't really become friends till they started in juniors where they'd been the only two kids from their old school. It had pushed them together because it was scary joining a new place with kids four years older than them and they'd clung to each other like a life raft. It also helped that they took the same bus to school and the ride there was just another hint from the universe that they should become best friends. If he was being honest, he didn't know what he would do without her. She was his first friend and, sometimes, it felt like she was the only one who mattered.

So, when Felix and him became friends, it was a given that she'd have to give them her approval first. He liked Felix, sure, but he liked Ellie even more and he needed them to be friends, too. So, when Felix brought up predrinks again, it'd been the perfect opportunity to see what would happen.

"Felix invited us out to go drinking?" she asked.

"Yeah, he said predrinks at his place and then we'll see where people want to go."

"Am I invited?" Scotty asked.

"Yeah, of course," Alex said, grabbing his phone and wallet. "Felix likes you and, if it's awkward, we'll all just leave."

Alex had initially been worried about Felix and Scotty, seeing as it was general etiquette not to become friends with a flatmate's one night stand, but they'd handled it brilliantly and he hadn't felt any tension when the two of them were in the room. Having said that, though, there was a part of him that was still expecting something to happen. When it did, he knew he'd take Scotty's side because he had to live with the guy, after all. That didn't stop him from pulling Felix into a tight hug when they arrived at his halls, though, pressing a four pack of beer into his hand and pulling back, grinning.

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