Part 4

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Part 4

Alex hadn't been expecting much from the evening, having gone just as Felix's moral support, so he was pleasantly surprised with how much he'd enjoyed it and the firm friend he'd made in Imogen. Going home that night, he'd spent twenty minutes texting her while boiling pasta before she'd got fed up with his late replies and finally called him.

"That pasta better be the best damn pasta in the world considering you've spent so long on it."

He laughed. "It's kind of overcooked but, you know what, I've learnt to like my pasta too soft and too crunchy since starting uni."

"That's tragic."

"Trust me, I'm aware."

"How about you come over to my flat and I'll show you how to boil pasta properly?"

"Or," Alex proposed, "you could come over to my kitchen instead and cook here. I mean, if you're teaching me, you should at least teach me in the kitchen where I'll be cooking."

"I don't think our accommodation is that different," she said, since she was living in halls, too, "but I'll come over, if only so you don't die from eating raw food."

"Come tomorrow," he said, since it was a Sunday and they'd have nothing to do. "And you can teach me how to make pancakes. I can never seem to flip them right."

"Use a spatula, you fool."

"See, you're teaching me things already! This is going to be fun!"

He could imagine her shaking her head. "You better be awake to let me in."

He was, just towelling his hair dry when he saw her text, and he made his way out of the flat and to the front door, grinning when he saw her.

They went to the kitchen which served as the flat's communal area but, since it was early and a Sunday, there wasn't anyone else up yet, a small benefit to waking up before nine. Six people wasn't a lot but, at the same time, six people in their small kitchen trying to eat wasn't feasible so it was nice to have the room to himself and not worry about being in someone else's way. It was also kind of the best thing ever not to have to cook for himself, something that happened far too often because Scotty and Ellie were concerned about his diet. He had very enthusiastically taken advantage of their concern.

"Which shelf is yours?" Imogen asked, opening the fridge and peering inside.

"The top one. Use whatever you like."

He'd planned on having pancakes, because he loved tucking into them at the weekends when he was back at home, but he'd never known they needed flour and that was something he didn't have. He did, however, have a whole carton of eggs and a few rashers of bacon and, before long, the kitchen was smelling really good. It'd been a while since he'd had something other than cereal for breakfast, because the others never woke up early enough to cook breakfast for him, and he was looking forward to it.

Scotty came in just as she was plating up and he looked at the food and then Imogen, saying, "I will honest to God marry you if I get some of that."

She looked at him in amusement. "I think there's enough to go around."

"This is Scotty," Alex said, making the introductions, "and the goddess cooking breakfast is Imogen."

Scotty smiled at her, all dimples and charm. "Goddess sounds about right."

She rolled her eyes but there was a smile there when she sat down at the table with them.

"How did the two of you meet?" Scotty asked, digging into his plate, and then at Alex. "Was it a cooking class? I'm always telling Alex he should go and learn some new skills."

Alex and Felix (LGBT) ✅Where stories live. Discover now