Part 7

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Part 7

The next week passed by in a haze of revision, exam papers and Skype study sessions with Ellie. Despite the fact he was in London, the routine Alex got into was no different to what he would've done in halls. Well, that was a lie, because he wouldn't have been hanging out with Felix's family back there.

He'd felt a little weird crashing in their house during Christmas, of all times, but there was a really welcoming atmosphere that had put him at ease. When Penny's college had finally broken up for the holidays and Felix's last sister, Hannah, had arrived, the house had suddenly come alive and it'd been even more difficult to concentrate on his work while everyone else was having fun.

He knew he had to pass his January exams but, at the same time, this was his first opportunity to really explore London and he wanted to do it. He'd visited before on school trips or family outings but it'd never been at Christmas time and he'd never had the kind of freedom he did now. So all Alex wanted to do was get hands on in Christmas baking or check out the markets and lights again.

He didn't know how anyone ever got anything done in London.

"You just have to learn how to filter out the distractions." Penny said, when he'd asked her. "Speaking of which, I need to do that, too, and I'm going to join you and study in Felix's room."

The three of them were the only ones with exams come the new year so, while everyone else was enjoying the time off work, they were buried in their books. It meant that Felix's room was a quiet area and the rest of the Kane family had been pretty respectful about that but, if they ever strayed outside, they were fair game for anything. No wonder Penny had joined them.

"I haven't been in your room for ages." Penny said, settling on the floor with her books.

Felix grinned. "You wouldn't want to be, either."

"Ew." Alex and Penny shared the same sentiment.

"I wasn't talking about that. I come from the age of digital porn, thank you."

Penny pretended to retch. "Gross. I don't want to hear that. How about we never speak of this again," and, looking for a new topic, she said, "and instead discuss where Alex's air mattress is."

Alex frowned. "What air mattress?"

"The air mattress you're meant to be sleeping on."

"Oh, that." Alex remembered hearing about it on the first night when neither of them could be bothered to go down to the garage to get the pump for it. "Nah, we didn't bother with a mattress. Besides, the bed can fit both of us so why wouldn't we sleep together?"

"So you're sharing a bed with my brother."

"No homo." Alex said quickly, holding his hands up.

She laughed.

Felix didn't help, winking at her. "He means all the homo."

Alex sat back in the chair, ignoring them. "You know what, I actually need to study."

"Or," Felix said, "we could go out tonight."

Despite himself, Alex was interested. He was only going to be in London for so long, after all. "Out where?"

"Most of my friends have come back for the Christmas break now and I thought it'd be cool to see them. It'll just be a casual event at my friend's house with alcohol and food and they said you're more than welcome to come."

And, well, Alex was curious about Felix's other friends. "Okay."

They stayed in the house for another hour, working harder now they knew they were leaving in the evening and Alex had gotten through a lot of material when Felix finally got up. Alex stretched his legs out, kicking back from the table.

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