Part 13

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Part 13

Alex was meant for relationships. He was good at them.

Sure, maybe he didn't have much experience in the field but he'd always known inside himself that he was meant for commitment and the long run rather than short flings or one night stands. It wasn't to say he was unhappy when he was single but there was definitely something more in his life when he was dating someone. He'd been happier when he was with Dana, and he was happy with Marcus, too.

But maybe he'd been spending too much time with Marcus.

It wasn't something that would've occurred to him on his own but, when Felix showed up at the flat on a Saturday morning demanding his attention, he realised he might've been neglecting him a little. He hadn't meant to but, with the upcoming summer exams, he'd cut back on his socialising and started putting more hours in at the library. It meant that, aside from hanging out with his flatmates in the evenings, he hadn't had much time for anyone apart from his coursemates and his boyfriend.

"Do you want to come in?" Alex asked, leaning against the open door.

"I want you to come out and spend the day with me." He looked up at him with wide, imploring eyes. "You haven't hung out with me in ages. I miss seeing my best friend's face."

And, successfully guilt tripped, Alex supposed he could be persuaded away from his books.

"Where are we going?" he asked, once he'd grabbed his grey jacket and his phone and wallet.

Felix grinned, glancing across at him. "You said you wanted to go to the zoo, right?"

Alex stopped. "Yeah, I might have mentioned it once or twice, but I didn't want to go now. Exams are starting in three weeks!"

"Three weeks is plenty of time. Besides, I've barely seen you over the past two months. You need someone to drag you out and force you to have fun."

That was true. The second semester had been busier than all of them had expected and the weeks had gone by so fast. May had crept up on them before they knew it and, with it, the end of their first year at university. Between his society commitments and his lectures and coursework, Alex really wasn't sure where all the time had gone. He wasn't sure what had occupied him so much that they'd never gone on the weekend getaways and day visits that they'd talked about.

"Okay. Let's go to the zoo."

Felix beamed at him. "That's the answer I want."

Alex had been to one zoo in the whole of his life, while Felix had been surrounded by all London had to offer him, so he took his lead from him. The zoo wasn't massive, and there were no lions like he'd imagined, but there were cheetahs and tigers and Alex had stared at them in fascination. They were feeling active clearly, batting at each other and play fighting, though they never got close to the exhibition glass.

"I'm going to guess you like the big cats then."

"They're beautiful."

"I normally prefer to be called handsome myself but I suppose I can deal with being called beautiful."

Alex rolled his eyes. "You're not a big cat, you're a kitty cat."

Felix shoved him, gently though. "Shut it, princess."

They carried on making their way through the zoo, stopping to look at each enclosure and read about the animals there. Alex said Felix was more suited to being a tapir than a big cat and Felix had sniped right back by comparing him to an African wild ass. He'd been so quick with his response that Alex had been stumped for a reply, no time to think.

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