Part 8

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Part 8

Alex had never spent a Christmas away from home.

His family weren't deeply religious but they still made sure to decorate the house and buy presents and cook a nice dinner on the day. Normally, they'd just hang out in the house, the shops all closed and the weather too cold to head out, and watch TV. It wasn't much when it was just the three of them but it was what they did and, even in the midst of greater and more elaborate festivities, he couldn't help but miss his parents and Ellie, too.

"Hey, princess." Felix nudged him out of his thoughts. "You look sad."

Alex fixed a smile on his face. "I'm not. I just miss home."

"Oh," he said softly, understanding in his voice. "Yeah, I get that. This is the longest time you've spent away from them."

"Yeah, it is."

"You should call them then. I bet they'd want to hear from you today."

It was Christmas Day so Alex thought he might be right. It'd been the first thing on his mind when he'd woke up but the time difference between their two cities had stopped him. And then Penny had called him into the kitchen to help with making lunch and he hadn't realised just how busy they'd be. With so many mouths to feed, it was very much a team effort and, between waking up and then washing up the dirty dishes, he'd barely had five minutes to himself. Now, after they'd filled their stomachs and put the leftovers away for later, it seemed the perfect time to sneak off for a private moment.

He went upstairs to Felix's room, calling them through wifi so he wouldn't be hit by extortionate charges, and leant back against the bed as the phone rang. The UK was five hours ahead of New York so he figured they'd just be waking up now and he liked the idea of being the first person to talk to them.

"Alex." His mother's voice was warm. "Merry Christmas!"

He grinned, relaxing into the mattress. "Merry Christmas to you, too. What are your plans for today?"

He'd only spoken to them twice since the holidays started, because they were all busy, but he made the effort to check in every now and again. Alex wasn't the type to get too homesick, especially since Ellie had accompanied him to uni, but he texted his mum at least every other day. As an only child, his parents were particularly protective and, similarly, he felt the same way towards them. So, after talking to his mum for a bit and later his dad when he got out of the bathroom, he felt a little better about being away from them.

"There's that smile I was missing." Felix grinned, from where he was leaning against the doorjamb. "I take it your mum and dad are living it up right now?"

"It's weird when you listen in on my calls like that."

"It's my room." He countered.

That was true. Alex smiled at him, more natural this time, and said. "They're having a good time out there with some of our extended family. I guess that surprised me. Not to sound egotistical or anything but I was a little worried they'd miss me."

Felix laughed, coming over to sit next to him on the bed. "No, it's a perfectly normal thought. I would miss you."

"I'd miss you, too."

Felix smiled and then reached under the bed, bringing out a shoddily wrapped present. "I got you something, by the way."

Earlier, they'd exchanged presents. Alex had been a pretty awful gift giver with chocolates and some small winter clothing for Felix's family, because he didn't know them too well and hadn't had enough time, but he'd gotten Penny membership to the Museums Association. It was something he knew she'd like and, when he'd looked at Felix, he knew he'd done something right from the grin sent his way. Felix himself got a personalised collar, one Scotty and Alex had had to go to a BDSM shop to get, and wasn't that such an embarrassing experience. It was worth it, though, for the look on Felix's face when he saw it and then Penny's curiousity turning into horror.

Alex and Felix (LGBT) ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora