Part 5

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Part 5

"So, on a scale of one to ten, how terrifying exactly are your sisters?"

It wasn't a question Alex would've thought he'd be asking but, now on the train to London with Felix, it seemed somewhat pressing to prepare himself for the onslaught that was Felix's family. Because he hadn't been planning on going anywhere for the holidays but, over breakfast in the morning, it had seemed like a really good idea to go along with Felix.

He'd been lying with his arms stretched out on the table, watching Felix wash up and said, "It's going to be so quiet without people in halls. I'm going to have to cook by myself for three whole weeks."

"Then why didn't you book a ticket home?"

"You know I was hoping for Christmas work," he said, sighing. "But no one wants to employ a starving student like me. Maybe they're worried my good looks will distract the rest of their employees?"

He laughed. "Yeah, you keep thinking that, Alex."

"It's going to be so boring." He whined. "Felix, you'll Skype me, won't you? I know I'm going to miss you the most. Keep me company."

"Or you could just come home with me?"

It was a glib, offhand comment. Alex would normally thank the person and give a polite excuse for why he couldn't take them up on their offer but it was Felix and, the thing was, he could.

So he'd said carefully, to gauge the mood, "I would actually take you up on that, if you're serious."

"Are you kidding me? I need all the help I can get when it comes to my family. You would actually be doing me a favour if you came."

And tickets to London had been a lot cheaper than his hometown in the countryside so he'd booked them then and there over breakfast and they'd spent a half hour at his place packing essentials before heading down to the train station. They'd caught the train with a few minutes to spare and, now that Alex had the time to pause and think, he had to admit that he was a little nervous. He'd never put that much stock in other people's opinions of him but this was Felix's family and Felix was one of his best friends.

"Stop thinking," Felix said, "that's how they get you."

"Who?" he asked, not following the conversation.

"My sisters, and you haven't even met them yet."

"And these are the times that I love being an only child."

They didn't talk much, tired from last night's movie marathon and conscious of the fact they weren't the only people on the carriage, and Alex fell into resting his head against Felix, trying to catch up on some sleep. It wasn't so much an intimate thing as it was a uni thing, their odd timetables and late nights meaning they tried to catch forty winks anywhere, but even he had to admit it probably looked a bit weird to people on the outside. Namely to Felix's mum and older sister who were waiting in the platform when their train arrived.

Felix nudged Alex lightly. "Get up, sleeping beauty, this is our stop."

Alex groaned, stretching out and making to grab his bags. "I am way too sleep deprived to meet your family."

"No amount of sleep in the world would prepare you for them." Felix said, not helping. "I like to think of it as a plaster, anyway, it's best to get it over with fast."

"You know what, I think I want to head back to uni."

Felix laughed, grabbing his arm and pulling him onto the platform, making a beeline for his family. Even without Felix to guide them, Alex thought he would've been able to spot them anyway. They were both pretty, with the same blonde curls that Felix had although they looked less wild on them, and he felt himself relax a little about how open their faces were, split with welcoming smiles.

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