Part 14

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Part 14

After a year at university, with all of its excitement and constant events, life in a small countryside town was boring.

He'd hung around for a bit after exams, sorting out the new house and ensuring everything made it there, because Felix had entrusted him with his things while he was frolicking around in Spain, but he'd eventually left to go home with Ellie. He'd missed his parents and it had been so nice to be near them again and have the comforts of home. There was just something about it that made food and bad TV seem better and Alex had really liked having homecooked meals for the first few days. However, there was only so much happening in their town and, after seeing some of their friends who had returned home, he was starting to get restless. He missed Marcus, too, and all of their friends.

"I forgot how quiet it is here." Ellie said.

"Tell me about it."

They'd gone walking on one of the trails, which took them further out of town and towards some of the more picturesque parts of the countryside. It was a popular path, frequented by cyclists and dog walkers alike, and one of them even stopped Alex and Ellie to point out a leaping doe in one of the fields.

It almost made it worth it.

But, sitting on a tree stump and looking out across the fields, Alex could only think of one thing, "I want to go back to uni."

Ellie echoed the sentiment. "Let's book coach tickets and head off this weekend."

"The first semester hasn't started yet."

"It doesn't have to start for us to be there. I mean, we've got the house and I reckon there's bound to be more happening in a city than there is in the countryside. My parents were telling me I should make the most of my summer, and I'm not going to do that here."

Put like that, Alex couldn't see why they'd delay returning.

He was loathe to leave his parents, when it finally came to it, but he suspected he'd been underfoot too much for the summer already. Without a job to keep him occupied, he'd spent a lot of his days in the house and then hung out with friends in the evenings when they were free. As it was, though, he really hadn't been kidding when he told Ellie he was bored and she'd been right when she told him there was at least more to be done in their university city.

"I hate coach journeys," he said.

She looked comparably more comfortable in her seat, set up with her earbuds in and her music playing. "Just go to sleep. It'll go fast enough."

And, given there was nothing else to do on the coach, he supposed he could catch a few winks now. It meant the journey went by quite quickly and, while he didn't properly sleep, he wasn't aware of the time passing, either. They got off in Victoria coach station, staying there for fifty minutes before their next coach set off, and that was more than enough time for lunch.

They found a little place not too far from the station that served a good all day breakfast and, for someone who'd done nothing all day, Alex was more than keen to tuck into some hot, fried food.

"Did you sleep well?"

Ellie swallowed her food before replying. "I always sleep badly when I'm travelling but at least it's a short journey."

"I wouldn't speak too soon. We've got another two hours to go."

She grimaced.

Maybe it was the food they'd eaten or the nap they'd had earlier but, for the second coach journey, neither of them felt like sleeping. They stayed up talking quietly, watching as the coach took them past Big Ben and Westminister, and mused what it'd be like to visit the two places in person. Alex had never properly explored London and, with time on their hands and so close to the capital, it seemed rude not to.

Alex and Felix (LGBT) ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang