Part 15

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Part 15


One thing Alex had learnt about Felix, that he'd kind of known before but hadn't had to fully face, was that Felix was very much a morning person. He'd tried to get Scotty and Ellie to wake up with him but Scotty had ignored him and Ellie had threatened him with bodily violence. When she'd thrown a heavy pillow at him, he'd got the message and now he just bothered Alex.

Who got up, sure, but wasn't nearly as chirpy.

"It's Sunday!" Felix beamed at him, tugging his duvet back and jumping onto the bed. "The park run's in an hour."

Alex hadn't been particularly fit in first year, sporadically going to the gym and playing just enough football for the Economics team to get invited to the sports socials—which negated any positive effects from exercise because of the sheer amount of alcohol involved. This year, though, he was determined to do more and he'd joined the lacrosse team as well as going to the gym at least twice a week with park runs on the weekend. He wasn't entirely in love with it, now it was November and freezing, but it was good for him.

Felix wouldn't let him ditch the runs anyway.

"Give me five minutes and I'll get out of bed."

"How about I give you two minutes or I get in your bed?"

It wasn't really a threat so, unsurprisingly, Felix ended up crawling in next to him just a few minutes later.

Alex laughed, turning over to face him. "Crawling into bed without even buying me dinner? Why, I'm not that kind of girl."

"Such a princess."

"Kitty cat."

"I do see the appeal of a warm bed." Felix said, after a beat. "I could definitely see myself falling back to sleep but I could also see myself eating a full English. And I won't deserve it unless I run the 5K."

It'd been a habit of theirs to get a late breakfast after the run, with the slower of them having to buy the food. Neither of them were especially good runners, slim but not fit, so it was a toss up each weekend as to who would be faster.

"Alright." Alex said, because he loved his food more than his bed. "Let me get changed and we'll go."

Felix, very much comfortable where he was, raised a permissive hand. "By all means, don't let me being here stop you."

Getting out from under his warm covers meant the rush of cold air around the room hit him at once. It was the worst feeling and he hurriedly changed from his pajamas—an old pub crawl shirt and his boxers—and into his running gear. This, at least, was specialised, a long sleeved thermal shirt and his running leggings. Ellie and Imogen had laughed when they first saw him dressed up but they protected him against the chill and he could sacrifice looking cool for that.

Besides, Felix certainly thought he looked good from the way he was staring now.

"Like the view?" he asked, grinning.

"I like it very much when I get breakfast and a show, and all before ten on a Sunday morning."

Alex laughed, shaking his head. "I'm not buying you breakfast this week."

"You say that now but I'm going to get you a faster time today, too."

"That was luck."

Felix shrugged. "You can say what you want but we won't know the truth until we get down to the park."

They walked the first ten minutes to the park and, once their muscles were warmed up, they jogged the rest of the journey down. There was a gaggle of other runners there already, doing a few stretching exercises, and Alex copied them because he figured they were more experienced than he was. Felix, reluctant to lag behind, did the same.

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