Part 9

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Part 9

To Alex, Amsterdam had always been a hedonistic city famous for its red light district and relaxed laws when it came to drugs and pleasure. He hadn't known just how much history there was—and hadn't he been surprised to find the Anne Frank Museum, a sombre little building that had had him quiet and thinking for hours afterwards—or just how pretty the city was. It was nothing at all like what he had expected and he was glad he'd had the opportunity to find that out for himself.

"So," Ellie said, grinning, "travelling isn't too bad, huh?"

They were sat on a bench beside the Amstel river, their hands cupped around their takeaway coffees to keep them warm. It wasn't the best time of year to come, since it was cold and the sun set early in January, but there was no denying there was something to be said about just sitting down and admiring the view in front of them.

"This was really nice." Imogen said, leaning back and letting the cup dangle in her fingers. "It's exactly what I needed after all those exams."

"It's what we all needed." Ellie said.

Alex could agree with that. "It's good here."

There was definitely something about Amsterdam. Alex wasn't sure if it was the post-exam feeling or the city itself but he'd enjoyed himself a lot more than he thought it would. Maybe that was how all tourists felt and, if it was, he was beginning to see the appeal. He almost didn't want to return to university with its essays and lectures when he could stay here and explore the city and all of its sights. It was beautiful.

Be that as it was, they couldn't sit outside for too long and the cold eventually chased them to a nearby restaurant where they were seated without much of a wait. They hadn't looked at where they were going, choosing to surprise themselves instead, and a look at the menu showed them it was a burger restaurant. Well, Alex could always get behind a good burger.

Their food took a while to come out since Imogen had ordered something with caramelised onions and they weren't quite done yet but it took less than fifteen minutes. Surrounded by a friendly atmosphere and the diner's quaint décor, Alex couldn't say he minded. And, when the food did come, served with a side of fries and onion rings, it was worth the wait.

"Is it me," Ellie asked, "or does food taste better when you're abroad?"

Alex took a bite of a particularly crispy fry, munching happily, "This is the best. Felix would've liked it."

Imogen laughed. "I wouldn't worry about him missing out. He's having plenty of fun where he is, him and Scotty and Marcus."

"Maybe too much fun." Ellie worried her lower lip between her teeth. "I don't know if they'll be okay on their own. They're three British teens in Amsterdam."

"They'll be fine." Imogen assured her. "They're all adults and they can contact us if anything happens. Marcus said he'd keep an eye on them, too."

They'd met Marcus at the airport on the day they flew to Amsterdam. Even before Alex had known he was Scotty's friend, he'd been looking in his direction. There was something about the man that exuded confidence, despite the fact he must have woken up just as early as them to get to the airport for their nine am flight. It didn't show at all in the way he was dressed, sweater and chinos and neatly polished Oxfords.

"Marcus!" Scotty called, quickening his pace. "Hey!"

"Scotty." He said with just as much warmth in his voice, a slow smiled spreading across his face. "I was worried you might not make it in time for check in. Come on, let's get in line."

Alex and Felix (LGBT) ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt