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~Frank's POV~

I sat at the table I always waited for Gerard at. I spun the books I had to get for my English assignment mindlessly, too nervous to actually start on my project. I yawned and leaned my head on my arm. This place made me tired... Maybe it was all the dreams of teenagers being crushed as they realized how difficult the future is...

"Yo, Frank!" I looked up to see Gerard and Mikey walking over. I waved and stretched, trying to wake myself back up.

"Hey Mikey." I yawned with a nod to him. I smiled at Gerard, even though he wouldn't see it, "Hey, G."

Gerard smiled, "Hey there, punkie boy."

"Pet names, gross." Mikey stuck out his tongue in disgust.

"Whatever! Go be with your baby why don't ya?" Gerard smirked. Mikey slapped his shoulder with a laugh.

"I'll be out late but you have the room key." He said, beginning to walk away. "Catch you later!"

"So long!" Gerard called, tapping his cane against the chair he was standing by.

"How are you today?" I asked, standing to my feet and shoving my books into my bag.

"You know, still surrounded by darkness." He shrugged with a smile.

I rolled my eyes, "So optimistic you are."

"As always."

"I guess you're right."

"Gunna help me into the chair or are we just going to exchange words back and forth?"

I laughed, looping my arm in Gerard's, "Not today. Just me, by the way." I added as he had jumped slightly with my touch, "I figured a nice walk through the crappy campus park."

"Didn't know it was crappy till now. Thanks for ruining the magic." He laughed, holding my arm back. "Lead on Frankie."

We walked slowly out of the library and down a hall that lead outside. The cool air hit us as soon as we left the building. I shivered a bit due to my short sleeves, but continued to guide Gerard out. We walked for a bit before I stopped at a small bench, just big enough for two.

"Found a place to sit down." I told him. He nodded and let me help guide him so he would fall to the ground.

"A cold place to sit down!" He cried out, standing slightly when his butt hit the metal surface.

I laughed as he sunk back down to the bench. He stuck his tongue out at me and a smile spread across his face.

"So, why the change of atmosphere, Frankie?" Gerard asked, leaning on my shoulder.

My breath caught as he did it. Wow this was a weird feeling. My heart was pounding, my lungs were ceasing, I felt like someone released a swarm of butterflies in my chest.

"Just...Just cuz, why not?" I finally managed to get out.

"You just wanted a change of atmosphere?" He asked quietly.

"I thought you'd like it too..." I replied absently.

"Frank, we could be sitting in the depths of hell and the only change of atmosphere I would really notice would be the temperature."

I burst out laughing, leaning back against the bench and causing Gerard to lift his head from my shoulder. "Noted, Gerard." I laughed. I returned to my sitting up position and Gerard, once again, leaned his head on my arm.

"So what's the reason?" He asked after a short silence.

"Hmm?" I was just enjoying being with him, zoning out a bit.

"Whyyyyy are we outside?" He held out the first word, but rushed the rest.

I bit my lip, still trying to think of what I wanted to say.

"Cuz I'm in way over my head..." I let the words slip past my lips.

Gerard lifted his head to face me, "How so?"

Fuck. Now there was no avoiding it... I took a deep breath and tried to get it out.

"Well...When...fuck, I don't know..." Wow, I was fantastic at this... "Colors! You like art, Yea?"

"Yes?" Gerard replied in a confused tone.

I took his hand and pressed it against the metal of the back of the bench behind him.

"Feel that?" I asked.

"It's cold." He replied.

"That's blue." I said, letting go of his hand. I thought for a moment before grabbing his hand again and holding it up to my cheek. "Feel that?"

"It's hot."

"That's red."

"Thanks for the color lesson?" He still sounded confused. My mind raced before I went to speak again.

"Imagine you as blue, and me as red." I finally said.

"Okay..." Gerard nodded slowly.

I leaned closer to Gerard, careful not to get too close. "What do red and blue make?.."

"Frank I'm fucking blind-"

"Someone must of told you about mixing colors, art boy."

"Fine!.. Purple? I think?"

I leaned even closer to Gerard, just a small sliver of space between us. "Well..." I took a a quick breath, "Maybe I wanna make purple."

And with that, I pressed my lips lightly against his.

This was really weird. I never kissed anyone so lightly, even on the first kiss. But this wasn't anyone, this was Gerard. There was something about him that made me want to be gentile. His lips were just so soft...

I pulled away after a minute. Slowly, so our lips just slid apart. I looked at Gerard's face. He was so hard to read with so much of his face hidded by the dark glasses. I had no idea of what to expect from him.

"...So that's purple, hu?" He finally asked, his expression unmoving.

"Guess so..." I said quietly, still afraid of his reaction.

A slow grin spread across his face. "I think purple is my new favorite color..."

A/N~ **Make Out by Rixton plays in the distance**

Yay! They finally kissed! Only took way too long whoopsie sorry loves <3

Thanks for sticking around and reading :)
((Jackie I apologize if this chapter causes your death. If I was on PC I'd dedicate this one to you so just consider it dedicated))

Sorry for slow updates, I have the attention span of a squirrel and three or four other fics going through my mind as well. Just wanted to say thanks for reading <3

~Skittles Out~

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