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~Frank's POV~

I sat nervously on the bus back to campus. I had to go straight to Gerard. I had to tell him.

I didn't even really say goodbye to my mom or Sweet Pea... I just kind of got my things and left for the next bus after talking to Ray...

I fucked up. I let the temptation and lack of control from the alcohol win. Now I was in a place where I had the possibility of losing someone that made me so much better...

I kept trying to go over what I would say... But there's no easy way to say 'I cheated' or 'I kissed a girl and took her to bed, but no sex I swear'.

I could only hope that the right words would come to me in the moment I would face him.

~Gerard's POV~

I was nodding my head, with my eyes still closed, as Pete babbled on about the party. At least from what he could remember of it.

"It was insane, Gerard! You should of seen it."

"I can only think of one slight problem with that statement."

"Oh, Yea... Sorry." Pete spoke sheepishly as the sound of the door clicking entered my ears. "Baby boy!" Pete cheered quietly. I heard soft footsteps cross the room, followed by the sound of giggling.

"If I wasn't blind before, I'd wish I was now." I said, sticking out my tongue. I sat up in my bed and rubbed both of my palms against my eyes, trying to make the sleep fade. I heard Mikey and Pete speaking lowly to each other, but I tuned it out. I figured it was just some kind of couply thing.

I was putting my hands back to my sides when I heard slow footsteps coming back towards the beds. I expected to hear the squeak of Mikey's bed, but I instead felt the movement of my own as someone sat down beside me.

"Gerard..." It was Mikey. His voice was calm, but borderline afraid? "You heard from Frank at all this weekend?"

"No?" I replied with confusion, "No, not unless he replied to my text messages yet?"

"Want me to check your phone real quick?" Mikey asked.

I nodded and felt the bed shift once again. I heard more soft footsteps, probably belonging to Pete since I didn't hear the door close, and the squeak of the bed across from me.

"Frank x o?" Mikey asked without a hint of tease in his tone.

"Yea..." I replied, wondering why Mikey seemed to be acting so...Weird. It didn't really make sense as to why he wasn't already on his bed with Pete watching a movie on his laptop or sleeping loudly. Why was he so concerned with Frank at the moment?

"No new messages. Sorry, Gerard." Mikey sighed. I heard my phone hit the blankets like he had tossed it lightly to the side.

"He'll be coming back today anyway..." I responded, quietly. "Mikes, what's going on? You're acting weird... Are you still drunk or something?"

"Oh no, he's much more fun drunk. Believe me."


"Sorry, Mikey..."

I reached out, trying to find my brother's arm. When I did feel it, I gripped it tightly. "Mikes..." I repeated, sternly. I was starting to freak out.

Was Frank okay?

Did he get hurt?

Was Sweet Pea alright?

"Gerard... I overhead something this morning." Mikey finally spoke.

"What?" I asked in a rushed tone, "Mikey, what happened? You're freaking me out here."

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