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~Frank's POV~

I walked down one of the halls with a yawn. I had been spending a lot of time with Gerard, which meant staying up even longer than usual to finish assignments. My big English essay had been bullshitted in three stress filled hours fueled by red bull and pixie sticks.

My time with Gerard made up for it though. He made me smile on my worst day. The press of his lips against mine could make me feel instantly better.

We were coming up to a week break for thanksgiving, so that would take away some of the stress. Although, I wasn't sure what Gerard or I would be doing. He would probably go home with his brother while I either went home to my family or hibernated in my dorm for a solid week. Neither of us had really talked about it. We mostly just discussed schooling, life, or color...Gerard loved to hear the way I saw the world and how I viewed and described color.

Just the thought of one of our color conversations made me smile through my tiredness.

"Hey, Frank!" I turned at the sound of my voice being called. It was Mikey, surprisingly without Gerard or Pete on his arm.


"Gerard's not feeling too well tonight, but I kind of have a thing with Pete..." Mikey twisted his fingers as he spoke, "I know you guys were supposed to hang out anyway... Do you think you could sit with him at our dorm?"

"Yea! Course." I nodded.

Mikey perked right up. "Really!? Thanks Frank, you're a lifesaver!" He gave me a quick hug before disappearing into the crowded hall.

"No problem Mikey..." I said to myself with a chuckle. The time I spent with Gerard was pretty much equivalent to the time he spent with Pete.

Although, honestly, any excuse to see Gerard...I'd take.


I arrived at the Way brother's dorm a few hours later. I adjusted the small backpack I had on my shoulder, waiting for a response. I was greeted by a well dressed Mikey. He had his hair slicked back and a dressier shirt on.

"Someone's got a hot date tonight." I teased.

Mikey just rolled his eyes. "You're worse than my brother..." He muttered, letting me inside. I slipped in and saw Gerard laying on a bed closer to the door.

"He's been out for about two hours." Mikey said, shoving something in his pocket, "Thanks so much for looking after him, I just don't wanna come back to a room drenched in vomit or something."

"Nice mental image, thanks." I rolled my eyes.

"See you later." Mikey simply waved, leaving just a second later.

I sighed and looked over at Gerard. All these weeks and this was the first time I had seen him without his dark glasses covering his face. His expressions were soft from sleep, but just seeing even slight expression with his eyes and how they crinkled a bit at the edges just made my heart flutter.

I sat down on Mikey's bed, not wanting to disturb Gerard. It squeaked loudly and Gerard spoke.

"Get over here, you fucker."

I laughed. "Wow, you're bossy when you're sick."

"No, I just demand my boyfriend come to and be next to me." A small smirk appeared on his face.

"Bossy." I repeated, getting up from Mikey's bed and crossing the room to sit on his.

"Lay next to me?" Gerard asked with a pout. His eyes were still closed this whole time, which somehow made this whole thing funnier to me.

"Scoot over." I told him. He complied and scooted back towards the wall, giving me space to lay down. "You are going to get me sick."

"I promise I won't kiss you then." Gerard stuck out his tongue.

"Now that's just mean."

"You're mean for sitting on Mikey's bed before mine."

"I thought you were sleeping."

"Why open my eyes to a world I can't see."

I didn't have a good comeback for that. "Damn G...Getting deep."

"Not the only thing that can get deep..." He muttered, quietly.

I rolled my eyes and just looked at his face. I couldn't get over his bare face. It was just so soft and breathtaking...

"What color are your eyes?.." I asked absently.

"Hu?" Gerard continued to keep his eyes closed.

"What color are your eyes?" I asked again, propping myself up on my arm, "I've never seen your eyes."

"There's a reason behind that, Frankie." Gerard said quietly.

"You don't have to show me..." I frowned. I hoped I didn't upset him. His tone had changed from witty comebacks to quiet embarrassment.

"Maybe someday." Gerard said after a minute of quiet contemplation, "I could show you a photo of my eyes when I was a baby..."

"Yea?" I smiled widely, "I get to see you as a baby? Sold."

"There is a slight condition." Gerard smirked again, his previous tone returning.

"And what might that be?"

"You have to come home with me for thanksgiving." He said simply.

"That all?" I asked with a laugh, "Seems fair enough..."

"Really?" Gerard's face lit up, his smiling cheeks increasing the crinkles by his eyes. A sight usually hidden by his dark shades.

"Yes!" I laughed, leaning over and kissing his forehead, "A few weeks of dating is good for meeting the parents, right?"

"Parent." Gerard corrected. His expression grew sad for a second, but it quickly brightened, "She'll love you though, I promise."

I smiled at him. I loved his smile...Even more so without his glasses covering his little eye crinkles.

"I lo-you're one of a kind, Gerard." I said, a bit afraid to say the 'L' word. That word frightened me a bit, especially only a few weeks in...

"So are you." Gerard sighed happily, "And I love you for it."

I knew he was sick, but I couldn't help myself from planting my lips on his.

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