Twenty Seven

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~Frank's POV~

I sat quietly in my room, petting SweetPea as she sat in my lap. I had been home for a few hours now...

After I got off the bus, I went out to dinner with my mom before coming home. Now, I was just sitting in my room.

If I was at school, I'd be with Gerard right now. We'd be listening to music together or walking around or even just quietly talking together. Gerard really helped take the weight off my shoulders from my classes. I wasn't sure how he could do it...

"Frank?" My mom tapped on the door as she peaked around it.

"Here, mom." I said with a small wave.

She nodded and walked into my room. She came and sat on the bed next to me. "You know, she's got some of her friends coming tomorrow."

"The devil has friends?" I asked, earning a light smack to the back of my head.

"Devil or not, she's still my mother and your grandmother. Don't talk like that tomorrow."

I sighed. "Yes mom..."

My mom rolled her eyes. "I know what that means, Frank. Just behave." She said with a look that told me she knew I probably wouldn't.

"I will if she does." I said simply.

My mom just sighed and gave me a quick hug. "Try?" She asked softly, "I know you're not her biggest fan... But it's just a few hours."

"I'll try, mom." I said, hugging her back. It shouldn't be too bad... Just an hour or two... It wouldn't be that bad.


"Oh, look who actually came." My grandma scoffed as my mom and I walked into her home.

"Nice to see you too..." I mumbled, walking past her to enter the kitchen. I could hear my mom telling her to be on her best behavior, which made me laugh.

"What's so funny?"

I spun around to see a girl about my age with dark hair blinking at me. She gave me a small wave and shrugged. "Not too many funny things here..." She said.

I shook my head. "No, the old bat never was much for fun." I let out another laugh.

The girl laughed quietly. She looked down before looking back at me. "I'm Jamia." She smiled.

"Frank." I smiled back.

"Oh, her grandson Frank?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head.

"Sadly." I sighed, "Has she complained that much?"

"Oh, I, uh- I don't know..." Jamia studdered, shaking her head. "M-my grandma knows your grandma."

"I feel sorry for her, then." I shrugged.

Jamia laughed nervously, scratching her arm. I walked over to the fridge, looking for something to drink.

"Everything is already outside." Jamia said softly.

I nodded, closing the door. "Okay, thanks. Any booze?"

She grinned. "Has to be with this crowd."

"Take me to the beer!" I laughed, gesturing for her to lead the way.

She smiled and nodded her head to the back door. "Right this way!"

I followed her out into the half assed festivity outside. There were red streamers stapled to the fence, stretching across the yard to the house. There was a man at a barbeque flipping burgers and turning hot dogs by a large blue cooler.

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