My lover, Confused

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The girl with her batting e/c eyes and beautiful long/short h/c hair had distracted me for long enough. She seemed overly happy with my gift and that was fine, I guess her foster home supplier had told the truth.

What pried into my mind wasn't the work to do excuse, but a song. It sounded in my ears as though some angel refused to let it go. . . No, I was hearing it correctly! The only woman in the house was Mey-Rin and she can barely talk none the less sing! Oh. . . Right. . . F/n is here. I thought and strained to hear her voice. It sounded. . . Lovely. With a sigh I cracked open my door and listened as she repeated the tune.

"Young Master, why are you against the door?" I looked up at Sebastian and stopped leaning, opening it further to let him in.

"I was listening." I said half honestly. Sebastian nodded with a slight smirk, looking in the direction of f/n's voice.

"She does have talent. She can play the Piano, do ballet, and likes to read and paint. By the looks of it she has been taught some form of self defense as well." He informed me and poured my tea as I sat back down.

"She might be able to teach you a thing or two." He added and looked at the doorway. "She likes her gift at least. She didn't seem pleased with you for leaving though. You may want to strike a conversation at dinner or she may think you dont like her."

I stood up in disbelief. "Why would she think such a silly thing?" I demanded, slamming my hands down on the table. Sebastian smirked, amused for some odd reason or another. His smirks always made my blood boil.

"You didn't smile, you talked for only a moment, and then you left as if bored with some old toy. Had anyone done that to you wouldn't you suspect the same?" He explained.

I nodded stiffly, "I suppose. . . I shall apologies for my rudeness at dinner." Sebastian nodded once more.

"Good, because dinner is ready."

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