My Lover, Talented

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Ciel's POV

"What did he say?" Sebastian asked me and Wipes more of the stains from the windows. "Men working for who we're after will be spying on us tonight. I plan to let them kidnap me. I'll bring f/n so they won't suspect I know, in the gardens." I explained and ran my thumb over the blue sapphire ring. "You'll risk her life for a plan?" My butler asked with a glance at me. "You will have to be quick. A single slip up will not be tolerated." I ordered and sat up taller in my throne for a chair. "Is that clear, Sebastian? No slip ups or dawdling will be tolerated." I repeated with a growl.

Sebastian bowed with his hand over his chest, "Very well, Young Master."

With a deep breath in you start to play the tune, and the now filled room of servants goes quiet. Awe strikes their faces as you have to move your small reach to get every note. This doesn't phase you and you easily maintain control of every little part of the song. Everything comes to you easily, and you no longer need the paper. In fact you no longer need to keep your eyes open. You close them and let the sound of the music guide your way, several of the servants gasp as the song seems to repeat and you move your fingers gracefully around, never loosing their perfect C shape or missing a single dynamic.

About three minuets into the song the tune picks up again and you have to move faster in order to keep up with it, opening your eyes again and looking to Sebastian, who has his wide eyes in shock and awe. The cigar has even fallen out of Baldroy's mouth as you are still playing the song and looking around the room as if playing the piano in such a difficult song came as easy to you as breathing. With a smirk you take one hand off the piano and use only your right hand, missing dynamics now but that was no matter. No mater how good you were, using one hand you had to give up something. You close your eyes again and turn back to the piano, both hands on it as the hardest melody returns near the end of the song and you finish the last chord.

Every one starts to clap and Mey-Rin cheers along with Finnian. You stand up and bow before sitting back down. "What well work. I've never seen such amazing formation nor heard such a spectacular melody." Sebastian complements you with a cute smile. "Music comes to me easily. This song did take a very long time to master in the regard it is been, but I did it. I used to play at balls in France and many countless times that song was requested." You tell them with a smile, your hands now folded across your lap neatly.

Ciel nods and uncrossed his legs in the manor he had been sitting, and sits up with his eyes focused on you. "You like balls?" He asks you with a titled head, his hands rested on his cane. You tilt you head at him with a smile. "Well. . . Yes. I haven't been to one in a while before, and rarely danced at them at that." You admitted with a blush. "We shall have one in three days then. A ball to celebrate your safe trip here." Ciel says and the corner of his mouth twitched up. . . was he. . . smiling?

You could almost squeal in excitement! Not only was he genuinely smiling at you, but he was throwing a party in your honor! Sebastian turned to look at Ciel. "What shall be the theme?" He asks with a chuckle in his voice. "Anything that includes White, Silver and Blue." He says and stand up. "f/n, Would you mind taking a walk with me?" He asks. Sebastian stand up as if to come with you both but Ciel narrows his eyes at his butler and Sebastian nods as if he understands something and sits back down. With that you stand up and follow Ciel out the front door and into the courtyard.

Does he want to just take a walk with you? The snow on the White roses makes them glitter brightly, though you wonder why they stay in bloom during the winter. Some gardening secret most likely. "f/n. . . Don't scream." He whispers. Your eyes widen at him and a hand covers your face, a cloth with some strong scent on it and you hold your breath. A man knocks Ciel over the head with the back of a gun and you can no longer feel your legs, the world goes dark around you.

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