My Lover, Fighting

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Your POV

You laughed and twirled about in the snow, Ciel looking ahead boredly and without a care. With a smirk you scooped up a large amount of snow and softly packet it into a ball.

"Oh Ciel." You cooed his name in a sing-song tone. He turned a suspicious glance to you, and before he cod ask what was it you toss the ball of snow. It hit him in his arm and then fell away.

Ciel looked stunned and dropped his cane as you scooped up another ball.

"You're going to get it now!" He said and a smirk shown on his face as he bent down to do the same. He threw his snowball and it hit you in the back before falling away, making your out a little shriek of surprise and joy.

You there another one though he dodged to theft and avoided it easily, hitting you with another one of his.

As he reached down to make more you dive and took cover behind a tree, throwing one in his stomach as he jumped from the other side to surprise you.

He flung an harmful of loose snow over your head and it fell around you in a glittery frozen rain. It's been so long since you've had a snowball fight, or seen snow for that fact.

With another giggle you spot Sebastian, and quickly throw a snow ball his way. He quickly raised his hand to catch it, but as the ball hit his hand it exploded into a snowy mess.

You laugh at his confused expression and Ciel's smirk grows and he hits his butler in the leg. Sebastian, smirking now, copies both of your actions and started pelting snowballs at both of you with speed and accuracy. Though he did pack them softly, so they fell away easily rather than causing pain.

You spotted Grell through the haze, as he was clumsily laughing as he approached all of you. You tossed another one at Sebastian, who dodged with ease and toss one at Grell.

The one he threw nailed Grell in the shoulder, and he fell to the ground dramatically. "Oh no, belated by my own Bassy!" He called out. Sebastian rolled his eyes and laughed as Ciel hit him in the arm with one.

"Come one Sebastian, we're looking!" Ciel called a.d his smirk widened as he narrowed his eyes at his butler.

"Come on Grell, pull through! You're my only hope!" You call out to your butler, who smiles at you as if touched by your words before jumping up and joining your side.

"Take this, my deadly efficient Snow balls!" Grell yelled and did some gesture with his hand and stuck out his tongue. You laugh and throw a ball at Ciel, and as he dodged to the right Grell threw another and pegged his arm.

"Now you're after my young master. . . I can't allow him to loose, or what kind of butler would I be?" Sebastian asked with a smirk and threw three balls at Grell, all of which hit him in the stomach.

Grell squealed like a girl as they hit him and toss several to Sebastian, and then ducked before gathering up a bunch of snow in his arms. Unfortunately for him, it was too much snow, because when he attempted to stand up he sunk in all the way to his waist, and the snow he was holding onto fell on top of him.

Ciel and yourself were panting by the time you were done, leaving Ciel's team as Victor. You had never had so much fun before. . . And Ciel looked to enjoy himself too. What was better was that even Grell and the demon butler had gotten involved!

Speaking of the butlers, they were smiling at one another. "Are you and Grell friends?" You ask with a smile now that your breath had caught up to you. Sebastian looked confused and shocked with wide eyes. Grell looked to him expectantly.

"I suppose so." Sebastian said and scratched the top of his head. Grell squealed again and hurried his hands in his sleeves.

Suddenly a white drizzle started to fall from the sky and around all of you.

"It's snowing again?" Ciel asked and looked to Sebastian. "It's just snow, though we should head inside. We don't want you or Miss l/n sick, now do we?" Sebastian asked and smiled at you.

You nod and then all of you head inside and take off your coats.

Cile's POV

I hadn't known that such trivial child's games could be enjoyable . . . F/n really enjoyed herself along with Grell and even Sebastian.

F/n had gone to the 'art studio' as she called it, to paint the merchant's portraits. Sebastian was also ensuring party plans with Grell doing whatever f/n wished.

I was still busts looking over possible suspects, people who worked for this "Black Horseman" Society would most likely show up to scope out possible threats. What greater threat than I? It was an open invitation to add to the possibility.

I also had to ensure that it would be upmostly enjoyable for f/n, as this was her party. Sebastian suggested dancing with her but. . . I haven't done that publicly as myself before.

I looked down at the papers on my desk and ran my hand through my hair before letting loose a long sigh.

"I'm getting one hell of a headache."

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