My Lover, Painting

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Your POV

Mey-Rin gasped in awe as you finished the painting of the servants. Sebastian looked it over curiously.

"You have wonderful artistic skills, truly impressive Lady l/n." He said with a smile. Grell nodded in agreement.

"I'll be sure to hang it up later." You say and set it up on the easil again so that it may dry.

"I can't wait to see how you've decorated the ball room!" With a bright smile to Sebastian, who chuckles softly at you, as if assuring that he would never let you down. He slowly folded his hand over his chest and bowed to you,

"If I couldn't decorate last minute for a party then what kind of butler would I be?" He asked with a glint in his eyes.

You giggle at his innotation. Grell clapped and jumped up and down excitedly.

"Did I miss something?" Ciel asked with a glare around the room. Sebastian narrowed his eyes but spoke as if he still had a smile.

"No, my Young Lord. Nothing important." He said and bowed again.

"We'll then, f/n. You should be getting dressed soon, our guest's will be arriving shortly after five and it's already four fifty." He spoke and crossed his arms behind his back.

"All of you will need to act presentable and dignified. See to it." With that he looked to Grell with a glare and then left the room.

"Well then, Mey-Rin, let's see what dress I should wear!" You say and grab her hand before making your way up to your room.

As you open the door you squeal in delight seeing as Ciel has already picked one out for you. A beautiful silver black and white dress is set out on your bed.

Grell's POV

"For a goody goody girl she isn't all that bad. I wonder what she's hiding." I said with a smirk at Bassy. The demon butler turned to me with narrowed eyes.

"So you know something is up too?" I asked and grabbed his shoulder, which he jerked away from me. "You're so clever Bassy."

"She did it then?" He asked and titled his head curiously. I shrugged before Bardroy interrupted us.

"What are you two on about?" He asked with an annoyed tone. Sebastian turned to the two remaining servants.

"Lady l/n was a French Nobel. She was brought to England by ship and horse, and with a foster care maiden. Her parents were mysteriously killed in her home. We have suspicions that it isn't a mystery though."

"She would never!" Finny protested with a glint of horror in her eyes. I lolled my head back with a laugh. Sebastian shot a managing glance at me before looking back to Finny.

"They lashed her daily, they weren't 'good' people. Even a chained dog would have snapped eventually."

"Either way she has skill, and maybe her secrets involve more than even her record will tell?" I suggested and batted my eyes at the sexy butler, who sighed deeply and palmed his face.

Finny still looked terrified and confused, but I didn't care. "Shall we go hunting then, Bassy?" I whispered to him with pleading eyes.

Of course he shook his head. "Party, remember?" I nodded slowly. Stupid chores. . .

Ciel's POV

Honestly the servants give me enough to worrry about, a.d now Grell is growing restless. This arrangement won't last much longer, what will I do? I thought and looked the decorations over. Sebastian had out done himself once again.

Silver, white, and black streamers lined the walls and ceiling. Bouquets of white roses were aced in decorative blue and black vases about the room as well. The buffet table was guarded by Bardroy, who obviously wasn't the one who cooked it. Everything else was neat, clean, and neat reflective.

"Well done. All of you may rest until the door has opened for the first guest." Sebastian said and glanced towards me.

"Good evening, my Lord. Every thing is to your liking?" He asked with a small smile. I nodded and glanced around again.

"Just remember your orders." I said and inhaled deeply, slowly starting to make my way back up the stairs.

"If I couldn't remember a few simple orders, then-"
"-What kind of butler would you be? Honestly. . . " I finished his old phrase and sighed at hearing Sebeadtian chuckle softly.

I headed back up to my study and slowly shut the door before leaning against it.

"Hello, My Lord!" A familiar voice cheered from my chair.

"Undertaker? How many more times are you going to sneak into my house?" I asked and looked him over. He stood up and let me take a seat with a laugh before shrugging.

"Depends on how much more information I get. I'm apart of this case now you know. Those men did know that we were friends after all."

"Aquaintances." I corrected him with a glare and started to organise my paperwork. "Anyway, why are you here now?"

"I heard you were throwing a party for your betrothed. I wanted to welcome the young lady." He said and tackled again.

I stopped and glared at Undertaker. "If you can act human than I may allow it." I said with a long sigh and continued to put files away.

"You trust that Grell fellow more than me. You've gone and hurt my feelings now, Earl Phantomhive." I let out a long sigh and waved him off.

"Fine. Fine. Do as you wish." I grabbed a pen from my desk and put it back I to the holster.

"I don't think she'll reconizse me anyway." He said with a long sigh of his own. "She is a reincarnation after all."

I whipped around to face him and yanked on his sleeve. "A reincarnation!? Of who!?" I demanded with wide eyes. The man's some widened.

"I wish I could tell you, My Lord, but that would put you in more danger than you're already in. I will warn you though, f/n has secrets. I'm not sure if she remembers them, but she has dark things hidden under that innocent smile."

"So she murdered her parents? She really did do that?" I asked and let go of him, still taking in his words

Undertaker tilted his head to the side, "That was only a speck of salt compared to her intentions. Be weary, Young Lord. Find me if she starts acting . . . Strange."

With that he left with a wave.


I put my hand to my forehead in thought, more danger than I'm already in? . . . I let his words sink in and ran them over in my mind.

No. . . More danger than we are already in. F/n . . . All of us.

I sighed heavily and took glanced around d the study window. I had better get down there. Guests are arriving and . . . I shivered at the realization that. . .

The viscount is defiantly going to be here.

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