My Lover, Good Night

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Ciel's POV

F/n was far better at chess than I had first suspected. I still beat her all but one game, out of three. We talked and ate cheese cake as we played, and I moved my queen into the last position. "Checkmate." I said and sat back in my chair.

"I didn't even notice. . . " She said with a smile, shaking her head and leaning on her hand. She doesn't play to win. I thought and looked her over, her pretty e/c eyes were focused on the window, and I followed her gaze to see a heavy snow was now starting to fall. It was illuminated by a faint glow of the moon that somehow got its dim wake through the clouds.

"You like snow?" I asked and looked back to her. She nodded with a small giggle, "When I was back in France all I'd do was play in the snow. It was so pretty. . ." Her voice trailed off and her smile waned slightly, looking forced now.

"We'll be sure to take a walk in the morning then." I said and sipped the last but of my still hot tea down. F/n stood up with a bright and optimistic smile. She looked like she wanted to squeal in delight, but Instead held her hands together across her back.

"Goodnight then, Ciel."

Grell's POV

"How much longer do I have to pretend?" I demanded, quite annoyed and my tone was whiny. I had an excuse though! "I have souls to reap you know!" Sebastian rolled his eyes at me, "Quit whining. Your master is to be asleep soon, so you have an opportune moment to hunt till the sun rises." He growled and tic marks shown on his head.

I smirked and ran a hand up his shoulder, "I'd much rather spend my night with you, Bassy." The tall butler growled and roughly removed my hand from him. "Don't touch me unless you want a broken arm!" and then he turned away from me, I grabbed both of his shoulders and smirked. "I doubt you will. How about we hunt for souls together? I'm sure you're willing to kill." I teased. He growled again and I quickly took on my grotesque human form as I heard f/n making her way down the halls.

"Grell? Oh, hello to you too Sebastian!" The girl did a courtesy and then smiled again, "I'll be heading off to sleep now, Grell do you think you can have that canvas ready in two days?" She asked. I had almost forgotten I had to be her butler. . . Why did I have to owe Ciel!? Stupid Grim Reaper rules. . .

"Yes, O-Of course!" I said and bowed with my hand over my chest. "Goodnight, Young Mistress." I said and stood back up. Sebastian did the same and f/n waved, "Good night!" And with that she dissapeared back upstairs.

"Now then, let's get to work. With a strong demon like you we'll be done with the To-Die list in no time!" I said and took out my death scythe just as I heard f/n's door close. Sebastian nodded in agreement. "Very well."

Your POV

You layed down in your bed and looked up at the ceiling. You slowly turned towards the window and closed the curtains, sighing and opening another present. This one was a lovely stuffed black rabbit, it's ears stood tall and it's arms spread as if was to give a hug. "This is adorable. . ." You say and smile, snuggling the little toy in your arms, though it is no bigger than your hand.

It had been a long time since you had hugged anything and just cherished it. . . You wish you could to this to Ciel as well. Would he every allow to you hug him? Another thought hit you.

Would he dance with you at the party!? . . . Would you dance? Couldn't you dance, why were you worried about it? You shook bad thoughts away with a laugh and layed down on your bed, snuggling your rabbit to you as you closed your eyes.

"F/n! No! Stop please!" Mother begged you, but you didn't stop. . . You drove it through his skull once more. He needed to pay. He was evil. And she, you slowly turned towards your mother. "You are weak!"

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