My Lover, Party's Over

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Grell's POV

Bassy had agreed to dance with me if I promised to continue to serve the girl. I was going to anyway. . . I don't know how but that little girl had rubbed off on me. Of course, I didn't tell Sebastian that at the promise of a free dance!

Bassy had his hand on my waist and his other hand held onto mine. It was so wonderful! The other people watching were probably confused on why two butlers were dancing together but who really cares in the end?

"Oh my, Bassy. You are such a swell dancer." I cooed and batted my eyes at him.

"Of course I am. How could I be one hell of a butler without being one hell of a dancer as well?" He asked with a smile. . . It was odd seeing him smile at me. I nearly melted right there on the spot.

"Such charm. Such grace." I said and hugged against him.

"I'm happy to have a moment with you. Even if it means nothing to you." I said with a sigh. Sebastian nearly tripped and I looked at him wide eyed. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing." I gasped.

"You just stuttered! You never stutter!" His eyes went wide at my observation and he regained his posture before continuing to dance. He leaned down to my ear before whispering, "I assure you, it's nothing. You just surprised me is all."

I was about to egg him on but the song came to a stop and we broke apart. Sebastian put his hand on his chest and bowed to me before his eyes narrowed at something past me. . . and then he took off.

"Bassy!?" I called out to him and chased after him. What was he doing?!

Finny's POV

"Why do you think he ran off like that?" I asked Mey-Rin as we looked to each other. Bardroy walked up beside us and leaned on the railing before relighting his cigarette.

"Dunno. It looked like he saw somein' he didn't like though." Bard said and sighed deeply.

"Maybe Grell said something? I don't know why they were dancing in the first place, no I don't." Mey-Rin said with a confused look, putting her hand on her chin in thought. Bardroy scratched his head.

"At least our job has been easy. Master and f/n are stickin' togeher just fine without us. I think he's really warming up to her." I nodded in a agreement and looked back over the crowd to spot them though, but I didn't see them anymore. . .

"I told you they kissed didn't I?" I asked before looking to Mey-Rin. 'Do you see them? I lost them?" I asked calmly.

"Ey. . . Who's that right there?" Bard asked with narrowed eyes, leaning further rover the railing and pointing. There was a butler standing next to a blonde boy. . .

"Oh no!" We all said in unison before racing down the stairs.

Ciel's POV

I spotted Claude across the room, Alois by his side and the boy was smirking widely. Damn him, I should have known! I cursed in my head before growling and turning to f/n. "Some one dangerous is here. Keep in sight of the servants." I told her before nodding to a passing guest who waved.

A hand touched my shoulder and I whipped around only to find the Undertaker.

"Hello Earl, it seems you have a problem." He pointed in the direction of Alois and Claude, who were now slowly walking through the crowd towards us.

"Problem is an understatement." I said in a low tone and glanced back to f/n, who looked very scared and confused.

"What do you suppose we do? We can't have a full on fight between demons and Grim reapers here in my mansion during a party. No doubt Alois brought his other servants along as well." I said and realized my mistake in mentioning reapers around f/n.

Her eyes widened. "Reapers!? What next, werewolves and unicorns!?" She demanded with an angry tone. I sighed and looked to the ground before glancing at the slowly approaching Alois and his demon butler.

"No wolves, but we have a demon hound if that's close enough." I said and looked back to her, and then to Undertaker.

"This way, My Lord." He said with a cackle before he walked around the staircase and out the back doors into the gardens.

"Is their going to be a fight?" f/n asked, her e/c blazed with terror. I looked back to her and opened my mouth to speak. . . but found no assuring words.

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