z e r o: Prologue

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When I was just a kid, my mom would tell me stories of princesses and their knights in shining armor riding off into the sunset. She would say I would be the most beautiful princess in the world and that I would be happy. I believed her. Granted, I was only five, but she would never give me a reason to doubt her. Twelve years later, I realized that it was all a lie.

The one that I should've trusted, my knight in shining armor,  was actually the evil witch who wanted to see me suffer. Kid's saw endings where everything turned out all right and the bad guys were defeated. We aren't told it was a lie until the day we grow up and are thrown into the deep end.

The one that was supposed to save me destroyed me instead. The prince's smiles were a mask that hid his plan to destroy the witch. Even if it meant hurting the people he loved the most. The prince tried to defeat the witch, but in the process he hurt the princess too.

Not that I was a princess, I was just a girl with a messed up attitude and beat up sneakers. And the prince was a boy with an amazing smile and a shattered heart.

The witch in our fairy tale didn't have green hair and wrinkled skin. No, pretending to be a knight, he lured girls to his tower with no chance of escape.

I was one of them.

I shouldn't blame it all on the witch. I knew the apple was poisoned, yet I took a bite anyway. I hoped that I was being paranoid but once I spit it out; it was too late.

Sometimes evil has to win. Maybe this was it.

 Maybe this was it

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