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Everything in this story is fiction.
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This story is has intense languages and scene.

This is base off the Author's imaginations (me)

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June 1571

Josoline found herself seated beside the fireplace, her demeanor prim and proper, though her mind struggled to comprehend her father's words. Across from her, his lips moved with vehemence, yet the syllables sounded foreign to her ears.

"Father... you can't be telling the truth," she exclaimed, her astonishment evident, though she managed a small, fake smile.

Her father, his gray eyes red from anger, met her gaze with a heavy heart. Beside him, Josoline's mother sat in a corner, her hazel eyes swollen with tears. But it wasn't the woman Josoline recognized; it was a stranger. Her own mother had been strong and courageous.

It had been more than two summers since she had walked the halls of the Prescott mansion. Her parents, John and Edith Prescott, had always meant well, but their lenient parenting had led to consequences. Her sister, Sidney, had fled to Scotland with her illegitimate child, while her brother, Adam, had married a commoner, living off his doctoring.

Now, their wealth squandered by Paul Logan, their accountant and longtime friend, Josoline's world crumbled around her.

"Father, how could Paul do this to us?" she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I do not know, my child," John replied, his fists clenched in frustration.

Josoline's spine stiffened with disbelief. "Did you send word to Adam?" she blurted out, her mind racing for a solution.

"Sadly, yes. With the baby on the way, I'm afraid he cannot help us," her mother confessed, her voice barely a whisper.

Josoline cleared her throat after a tense silence. "Well, I will get a job," she announced, attempting to show her strength. "As a maid in the King's palace or something."

"How?" her father retorted, his tone harsh. "You have no skill. Women here in England... in this time and age, women marry. I didn't educate you to be a housemaid."

Tears streamed down Josoline's flushed cheeks as she fell to her knees before her father, her heart pleading for mercy. "Please, Father, I beg. I'll do anything to help... anything but marry," she implored, her desperation palpable.

"I'm sorry, my child, but you have to," her father declared, his voice heavy with regret.

With her dreams shattered and her freedom slipping away, Josoline trembled under her father's touch, her cries echoing in the empty room. She knew there was no other choice but to accept her fate, to marry one of the season's eligible suitors and save her family from ruin.

As the realization sank in, Josoline's mind raced with the daunting implications of her predicament. Her future, once filled with the promise of adventure and independence, now seemed bleak and constrained. Gone were the dreams of traveling to America for schooling, of pursuing a career of her own choosing. Instead, she faced the prospect of a loveless marriage, bound by duty and obligation.

Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of determination ignited within Josoline's heart. She refused to surrender completely to fate, clinging to the hope that perhaps, in the midst of her arranged marriage, she might find a glimmer of happiness. With a resolve born of necessity, Josoline vowed to make the best of her circumstances, determined to carve out a life for herself, however limited it may be.

But deep down, beneath the facade of strength and resolve, Josoline harbored a gnawing fear of the unknown. What awaited her in the arms of a stranger? Would she ever find the freedom and fulfillment she so desperately craved? As the weight of her impending marriage pressed down upon her, Josoline could only cling to the fragile hope that somehow, against all odds, she might yet find a way to reclaim her destiny.

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