Chapter 4

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Ethan felt mix emotions upon seeing this lady . The girl who broke his heart stood before him as a woman , her hair cut suited her , her now tan skin even her gray green eyes stared at him.

"Lady Prescott?" He said in disbelief. His eyes wide in shock, his gazed fixated on her face.

"Duke Ethan?" She asked a bit taken aback. His now long hair, his facial hair gave him a manly appeal. He no longer was the well groom charming man she once knew.

The guards released him and he stepped towards her , she didn't move just stared at him . She knew he had hated her, God she hated her for what she had did.

"I've dreamt of only seeing you again" he said touching after her but the guards stopped him. He glared at them ," you look amazing" he continued.

She smiled," thank you. It's been so long... How are you?" She tried to sound strong but her heart beat quicken . She hadn't realized that he would have had this effect on her .

He grinned at her ," I've been well" He was still staring wondering if the woman he loved forever had returned like I'm his dreams." You were in America ?"


"Wow"he was still memorized by her beauty." Have lunch with me tomorrow" He asked bluntly.

Lady brows knitted , she wondered if it was a order or a request.. She was taken aback, he most have realized that she was now with his Majesty the entire town knew this very well. His outburst would have made Leo kill him but at the least why would he risk it and he had a wife and child.

"I don't think it's appropriate" she broke eye contact," I'm staying at the palace" She felt uncomfortable under his gaze all of a sudden."I feel your wife would deem it inappropriate for you to even call on a other woman....and I as recall she does not like me very much"

Duke Ethan smile fell from his face , " ohhh" He hadn't known this but after all he was out of society so long how would he have known.

"Yes King Leonardo and I are getting married" she broke the news hoping it would do less damage ,She prayed his feelings had died for her.

It was obvious he still loved her because he had that look in his eyes that only Lord Maxwell and his Majesty held.

His face became cold and his jaw flexed . He couldn't believe this and he beg the ground to open and kill him. He could have lived with the idea none of them marrying her but now that she was back and engaged, he was dumbfounded.

" I see" he fixed his coat and forced a smile." I'll come there too old friend could chat..catch up I suppose" he offered.

" I am not sure " she replied uncertainty showed on her face.

" No harm.... Lady Prescott you owe me that much" .His eyes pleaded.

Josoline stared at the man before her, after
All these years just maybe he was over her and had shared a happy marriage with lady madeline and son. She contemplated his request for moment.

"Okay . We shall have lunch at the palace " she stated.Knowing Leo was going to give her a ear full.

The Duke knew hadn't had much choice in the matter . All he knew his Lady Josoline Prescott was now back in England and he was beyond Happy to lay eyes upon her again.

"I shall call upon you at noon then " he replied with a cheeky smile.

"Okay." She said . " I shall take my leave. I have loads to accomplish this morning but it was lovely see you Duke ".

'the pleasure is mines" he replied bowing.

She gave him a Small smile walking away.

She thought how odd it felt in seeing him again . Even how mature the Duke had appeared. She wondered why he had wish to meet her, even after marrying lady madeline and having a child his lust for her was still evident.

A lot had happened when she was away....
Even her king had changed according to everyone.

She sighed walking into the market. A million thought ran through she still was unsure of many things and having lunch with the very now cunning Duke was one.

She sat by her self in the living room having tea she had sent everyone away.... she needed to be alone she wanted to see no one.

She rose then walked over to the window to the gardens when the door opened.

"I told you I wish not to be disturbed." She said with even giving it a thought or glance.

" Well here I was hoping to speak with the very lovely future Queen" sarcasm laced in her voice

She swiftly turns around , her eyes wide. She immediately got tense.

"Why was I not notified of your coming" she quickly regain her posture.

"Why I am or was the Queen are did you for get little girl"


Sorry it's so short will update soon but plz just vote help my book get somewhere....

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