Chapter 47 Her

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The carriage hastily went onto the Prescott manner. When it had came to a halt he didn't even wait for the foots men to open the door , he stood there contemplating if he shouldn't have went alone but Theo had to meet with some farmers and plantation owners and Micheal was trying to understand why Becka was in so much turmoil.

Leonardo fixed his coat, ignoring ever greetings.

He had to see her the day could not go without seeing her. He hadn't slept the whole night, his mind was like many horses in a race . Things couldn't of changed, his feelings never did though; he didn't even want a explanation right away, he just wanted to kiss her, touch her , even tell her off but his heart will only allow him to do as much.


"Maxwell" Josoline smiled seating next to Maxwell after closing the seating room door." I'm honestly sorry if I frighten you."

He crossed his arms ," Josoline. I do not understand but I want you to know I am willing to wait until you tell me" he said genuinely.

Her eyes watered up, " I am so sorry that I made you walked into that blind sided." Her voice cracked," I..I.just.."

She hated how guilty she felt and how she dragged him into this and he still was kind and sweet .

Max fell to his knees before her, cupping her face whipping her face with his handkerchief. He cooed to her ; never in his years have he seen her cry and now he realized that the situation was beyond what he had imagined.

" I ... Just...need you to t t" she stuttered crying." I do care for you so much and I feel like I am deceiving you" she confessed palming her face.

He searched her eyes for answers but gotten none," How?"

Josoline looked at him then she replied," I was once in love with the king but he was a prince then ..." He held her hand and use the other cupped her face.," I am not what I appeared to be"

His brows furrowed," What do you mean?" he felt his heart rate increased.

" I...I.." she blinked. '' I am so ashamed" she covered her face recapping her past.," Please just...g..g" she stammered. The words felt as though the choked her.

He press his lips  against hers  just to make her stop crying, his heart ached seeing her in this state. 

" Josoline you have a--- " Mrs Prescott midway through the door was about to inform her.

Maxwell flew to his feet and she held her head down, they had both felt embarrassed.

Mrs Prescott stood their wide eyes. To say she was surprised about what she walked in on was not it  but the person behind her made it uncomfortable.

She cleared her throat in the ackward silence . " Uhm you have a visitor"

Josoline looked up and saw Leo standing behind her.. She swollowed hard wide eyes, oh god did he see Maxwell and her, She panicked.

" Leonardo" She breath out. Maxwell immediately held her hand as soon as the words left her mouth.

Leonardo stepped passed Edith Prescott who only exited without a word closing the door behind her, she knew she should have stayed but her daughter needed to face her demons on her own.

Josoline felt Maxwell grip on her hand and knew it was territorial she nibbled on the inside of her cheeks. She felt the tension in the room the way this was going she would have not been surprised if he started barking orders and throwing a tantrum.

He smirked," I see you have no respect for royalty " he said moving towards the window. His heart cringed at the sight he behold upon entering, he wanted to punch someone. His mind felt so corrupted and his heart felt like it was being infected with poison of hatred.

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