Chapter 30. The deception

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"What are you saying ? " said Ethan in disbelief, His eyes flaming with anger. He stood in the heat of the castle dungeons trying to reason with her. All he had planned and wanted was at risk ,she wasn't in his plans. All he wanted was a semi simple life but all that changed for the worst when she seduced him.

" You have to get Me out of here " Madeline plead with tears running down her cheeks . Her face stain from dirt , her dress tore, her hair hadn't been done in weeks.

Ethan wasn't quite sure when and how he had gotten to this but he had done this wrong . He walked away from the bars in frustration rubbing his palm over is face unsure of what to say. Getting her out was nearly to impossible because Leo was furious with her for all he care she could of rotten in here this was harsh but yet this was reality . Ethan eyed the guards that stood to the far left talking, Ethan had paid a hefty amount for there silences, Madeline was destroying everything he had worked so hard to build .

" I'm not sure if I can... What you did to josoline was unforgivable " he said sternly . " if you had just had self control we wouldn't be having this conversation "

Her eyes teared up her fat cheeks red. " I can't be here...if she had listen in the staying away from you this would not of happen ...but nooooo " she said throw her hands in the air" you wanted to marry her, what was so wrong with me huh?" She said griping the bars " wasn't I pretty enough wasn't I skinny enough, why couldn't I be enough for you,?"

Ethan looked her on in pity. He felt disgusted with himself, All he wanted was josoline. He lived and breath her, now everything was compromise just a moment of weakness got him here with her. What she was saying made no sense to him after all she knew he was indeed engaged to Lady Josoline but it was his weakness that landed him here the weakness for - sex


Flash back

The night had just came and Ethan was leaving the main dinning room after dinner . He loved how josoline had looked tonight in her yellow evening dress. He couldn't wait to marry her couldn't even wait to touch her , the way she smelled and the way she smiled had done unspeakable things to him. She was close to perfect for him , he couldn't wait to spend the rise of his life showing her how prefect she is.

He groan from the jolt of excitement he felt in him , all these intense thoughts gave him a arousal why was he so easily turned on . Just a mire thought of the beauty , the way she smiled ,laugh everything about her did things to him.

He entered his chamber and started undressing,Maybe he could request her a picnic noon tomorrow, Everything was falling into place with josoline soon they would be married and he would not have to worry if Leonardo would take her from him. He knew Leo wanted lady Josoline hell every woman he wanted he had gotten ,Ethan was determined not to let josoline just fall into his cousin wicked charm like every beautiful women he knew his cousin had encountered with.

He walked shirtless to the wash room wondering if he should take a nice evening shower, the servants had already set the bathe in case he decides to . He walked back to his bed room when his eyes landed on Madeline naked in all her Glory, He was shocked at first because this was the most unladylike thing to do hell she was behaving like a mistress, his eyes drunk her nakedness in but his mind wondered what was she doing here.

They stood silence for moments as they looked at each other in the candle light, Madeline wondered if her plan would work this was the only chance she had of happiness ,only chance she had to show her family she wasn't useless and that she could snag a man on her own.

She swallowed hard and tried to seductively walk towards him,She prayed all those romance novels she read would act out now. Every nerves in her body scream not to do this but she ignored it. Her eyes looked at his built how sexy he was shirtless how she dreamt of this day . The way he looked at her was all she needed right now

Ethan looked at how full her breasts were she was chubby yes but she had still manage to look sexy in his eyes, He wondered if it was his arousal think and not his brain.

" Ethan ..." She half whispered." I want you to make love to me" she said Touching his face. Her hands had been itched to do that.

He said nothing , his mind told him to run and dismissed her but he was already feeling sexually frustrated from all those erotic thought if josoline. His eyes grew dark from lust, his silence gave her courage to continue . she tipped on her toes then brushed her thin lips over his.

"I wanted this for so long" she said looking into his eyes . she held his trousers then gentle pulling him to the bed, Ethan never said a sound he just acted and watched as she pulled his pants down she first took him into her mouth and that was it because he had lost himself in her even to a point he hadn't thought of josoline.

Flash back end

Ethan sucked a breath then ran his fingers through his hair roughly. He looked at her through the bars , his life was just a string now his future and all was in Madeline's hand.

" what shall I do?" He asked . unsure if he wanted to hear what she had to say.

" I want to get out of here isn't that clear " she hissed

" How ...because I don't know how to do so with out arising suspension"

She looked at him in disbelief, " you shall find away or I will tell everyone that we were sleeping together " she threaten

His eyes grew wide, he pressed his lips together then tucked his hands in his pockets ," you wouldn't dear, you would be ruining.... No man would marry you" he said with a smirk immediately the smile on her face fell.

A single tear fell because all she wanted was his love but she knew he didn't want her but he had no choice ,

" that's the risk I shall take then" she said after moments of silence.

His jaw flexed from tension, he was stressed he wonder how much more ho could take.

" You are a mad woman " he replied.

" I will not have this child in jail" she said after a long silence.


I have a lot of problem writing because of the lack of likes and comments ....I feel like I'm just. Writing and no one is really a part of this excitement with me

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