Chapter 42 Coming home

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" I do say lady Prescott the tobacco plantation most be a hand full for your small hands" said Mr steel sarcastically.

Josoline face remained calm , this was what they did, they often tried to buy her properties and tried to undermine and over think her .

" I think you should give it to a man who is best fit to run a business " he added taking a drink of wine .

She stared at the short fat ball headed man."Well I have been doing well for the last four years since lady Constance got Ill and till she pasted so please do tell me again...why I'm unfit" she smirked at the middle age fool.

" Do you honestly think they will take you seriously , the society, your not even married and as a the former close friend of Lord Cranston I plead that you marry or give the estate a male cousin" he said his voice laced with venom. Mr Steele had no limits he was a great advancer and had a brilliant mind. He was a great advancer to the late Cranston and he also tried to over throw lady Constance but had failed because everyone knew that Lady Constance was trained well by her husband.

Josoline rose to her feet and eyed the room filled with men. Mr Steele__the adviser , Sir David__ the man after her money, Mr Peterson___who over looked the plantation, Mr Gust___ the accountant the only missing person was Lord Maxwell who was a investor who had a twenty percent share in the tobacco plantation. And had thirty-five percent on the cotton field.. she wasn't surprised, he was always late.

She patted down her royal blue Muslim day gown, her short hair pin to perfection." Lasted I checked Mr Steele your business was on a down ward spiral. So why are you even my advisor , I'm a British so why would I trust you Americans especially men who believe that a woman should not own anything" she spat.

She looked at Mr Steele," Do you honestly believe I trust you?" Her eyes searched his," if you want to leave ...leave if you feel inferior working for a woman"

His pale white face grew red, the other three men sat quietly they couldn't understand why every meeting he tried to break her spirit and convince her to give up the land.

" You can not dismiss me" his voice roared as he stood before her but Josoline remained calm.

" I did not dismiss you but to be frank i'm tired of your speeches every meeting. Were here to talk about the workers and the plantations and I'm growing annoyed by you" she said walking to the window staring at the beautiful and well kept rose garden," I feel I may miss home and I believe I will return to see my father who is not of great health ..I gotten word today of his state and I need to know I can trust people who I leave to take care of it and I will not put it off so either you be honest and stay or leave" her back still turned.

" What?" Said David jumping from his feet," your father is ill word how are you managing?"

She nearly rolled her eyes at his pretentious ways but a eye roll would of been unladylike. She turned with a small smile, " I'm managing well" she eyed Mr Steele who was gushing from anger." And mr Steele if you think when I'm gone for a forth night or so you can double cross me ....I can be your worst nightmare because as you know I learned from the best"

A letter had came early morning of her father's state , Josoline's heart ache. Her brother wrote of how bad her father's health gotten and he wished to see her. This was not her plan but she knew it had to be done because he was her father.

" I hope your well" said a strong voice which she grew familiar with. She set her eyes on Lord Maxwell in all his handsome glory . His brown nap neatly comb back, his gray eyes scream intrigued when he looked at her. His jaw line so strong his face was just perfection she often compared to Leo and she could not tell who was better looking.

"Lord Maxwell I see your late at usual" she replied with a grin.

" Well better late than never" he walked to a chair then took a seat the maid poured him a cup of tea " lucky you I'm in a good mood and  I'll be going to England on official business"

" am I lucky?" Her brows furrowed.

" Because I'll be joining you" Maxwell said matter fact like.

"Oh but I didn't ___"She stammered.

" I won't take no for a answer " he interjected .

" But who will over look all things I was hoping you would be here know I trust you only" She Looked about the room.

" I can" said David...

Everyone bursted out in laughter.

" Ohh David I hope You weren't serious" sad Maxwell chuckling.

After a moment or two the laughter died and josoline started contemplating her next move

" Mr Steele I'll leave you in charge here and if you drag down my plantations and if you try to betray me ...." She said after a long silence then cocked her head and smile. " Well that's not going to happen so I rather not say"

The fat man grew tense because he knew what the young girl was capable of . The rumors that was about of her relentless ways ... He took out a hand cloth and tap his sweat . Mrs Cranston had thought that girl so very well now she felt like a living replica.

" Do you intend to answer me?" She said after a moment.

All eyes on him.

" I do not wish to offend you. I will work diligently as I can" he mustered.

" Good" .she looked about the room,'" Mr Patterson make sure the plant is taken care of as if I'm still here. Matilda and I will be leaving in the early sun okay" she continued.

" And Mr Gust I hope you pay the workers on time and do not slack." She continued.


Maxwell sat there with a smile.
She looked at the handsome Devil who she had a crush on from the first day they met. He had thought her simply beautiful , he loved her eyes and smile but she never had seem to given him a chance because her walls were high up.

" What is it Lord Maxwell?" She said after a long moment of staring at each other.

" I hope you realize how beautiful you are...." He shifted in the settee ," I guess i will enjoy the journey to England "

" Well I'm awear of my Looks and you only Mr Maxwell only" she stated a matter fact.

He tiled his head," well guess what i see that steel you have up before you I will break it " he commented.

He rose and sat next to her," I've known you for years now and you act as though all men are the same"

" Well I hope not for your sake lord Maxwell" she grinned up at him. Her heart race at how close he was.

He sighed," I hope a day comes when you call me Max ....Maxwell makes me sound like a forty something old man"

She laughed

" You should do that often" he said touching her face with his index finger ." I hope I can make you smile often and you let me in" with that he kissed her mouth. She closed her eyes and inhaled.

" That will happen only if you understand me" she whispered when he pulled away.

They were like a cat and mouse for years.  It gave her a thrill, he hoped that the day come when she let him in

Pictures of Leo on the side....


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