chapter 52 moment for life

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Joseline waited for Maxwell at his manner in the drawing room. She paced the room until she swore her heels were going to break. She bit down on her lips trying to get the her words in order. She hadn't been here before so she admired the elegant decor and the touch of American style, trying to distract herself.

Her mind kept going back to what her father had said and she sniffled. This was crazy she thought barbaric even but what could come of this she thought.

The door opened and Maxwell entered. He looked so handsome he wore his black waistcoat and black trousers his hair a mess.
He wore a smile that made her breath hitch and that's when the tears fell.

"Joseline?" He called . He embraced her inhaling her scent.

" Maxwell" She said softly. Trying to be strong.

He gave her a boyish grin." So what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked upon noticing her tears

She stood before him his eyes hopeful. She whimper as she said slowly." I have come to tell you something I know you will not like"

Maxwell cocked his head to the side then hissed ," What is it?" His face changed immediately.

" I have learned something and I have to be honest with you" She replied.

He had walked away from her his hands in pocket . He knew where this was going it was only a matter of time." And that is?" his back turn to her , he pretended to enjoyed the view.

She clutched on to the back of the oak chair." My father is a wake" She said hopeful trying to lighten the mood.

But his back still turn hands in pockets." That's grand news" His voice held no care," But I believe that's not what your here to say" he said mildly.

She stared at his back," I know how you feel about me " She started but her anxiety was getting the best of her.

" So?"

" I've decided to stay here for some time "

"Okay what of the plantation?" He reasoned

She had given it much thought and she only came to one conclusion.

" I will not sell it because Constance wanted me to do good with it"

" So?" He kept sounding more harsh at each question he ask.

She said nothing for a moment

" I ..I " she stammered," I was hoping you could over look it for me"

That's when he turned," Why?" He asked in disbelief.

She blinked rapidly," I thought you loved this plantation as much as I" said Joseline stepping before him.

" I do...but why are you not coming back?" He fished out . but he already knew the answers.

" Because I found out that he looked for me Max he tried to find me and with the money I had given my father he had hidden my where about very well paying off anyone who would of known " she confessed.

Maxwell stood there broken because he knew she would have chosen his Majesty. He felt hurt and angry but at the same time he couldn't be upset with her because she only was following her heart.

" Okay" was all he said.

Joseline covered her mouth when he spoke,''Are you sure?" Her eyes wide .

" go to him before I change my mind " He forced a smile feeling his heart break painfully in his chest.

She had thought this would be different she had played it out in her head how he would react but this wasn't it.

A tear escaped and she smiled walking up to him." You truly are my best mate " She brushed her thumb over his cheek.

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