XII. Running in circles

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We take off running down the long corridors of the maze. Right, left, right again, left, left, right, until we hit a dead end. Minho takes notes and cuts vines the whole way, he's says its to help us find our way back.

"Ok break time." Minho says leaning back against a wall and taking out his water bottle. I slide down the wall and do the same. The cool water feels incredible running down my throat, soothing my burning lungs. Even though I'm in good shape, this is harder than I expected.

"How you holding up?"

"Ok." I say still a little out of breath.

He nods and helps me up, then we take off running again, not stopping until we reach the last dead end.

"Lunch time, then we'll head back." He says breathlessly. It makes me feel better to know that even an experienced runner is out of breath. It's not just me. He's been quiet all day, which is strange for Minho, and I wonder what's on his mind. Maybe he hates me, or maybe it just takes up to much energy to talk while you run, I don't know.

Minho's POV

Running with Skylar is strange for me. I've trained other runners before, even other girls, but with Sky it feels different. I'm having an unimaginably hard time concentrating.........on anything besides her long red hair bouncing beside me as I run. My distractedness has almost caused me to trip twice, and I never trip, never.

Why are you so distracting? I think looking at her. Her bright blue eyes are lost in deep thought as she absent-mindedly twirls her hair around her fingers. She looks cute. What?! No I am not, nope. I do not like the greenie. I shake my head, catching her attention.

"What?" She asks looking up, her blue eyes burning holes in me. This is why I've been quiet all day, I don't trust myself to talk.

"Nothing." I say. I can feel her gaze on me as the heat starts to spread across my skin. "It's time to go." I finally say, tearing my eyes away from her. She doesn't say anything, she just stands and follows me.

"Ok your turn," I instruct, handing her my notebook, "just take notes on stuff you see, there's not really anything new so I might just have you write random stuff to get the hang of it." She nods and we set off jogging again.

A little while later, I glance over my shoulder. She's writing in my notebook and smirking, laughing almost.

"What are you doing?" I ask, confused and suspicious.

"Noothing." She says in a sing-song voice. "Just taking random notes like you said." She snickers suspiciously.

I'm going to have to check my notebook later.

We jog through the doors and head to the map room. After mapping our section, and me correcting hers, I ask for my notebook. "Give it." I say holding out my hand for the book.

"No." She says, shaking her head with a condescending smile. Part of me is annoyed, but mostly I'm just glad she's doing better. For a few days, we were really worried she'd try something stupid, I'd seen what the maze had done to Newt, and I didn't want that for Sky. I wanted to get her out. Luckily the worry had proved unfounded. She'd just had a bad day, and had been fine ever since, or at least as fine as any of us could be.

I try to grab the notebook from her, but I miss and she takes off running. I take off in pursuit of her, and I'm about to catch her when she makes a sharp turn around the back of the homestead. I turn and run the other way, but I lose her and end up standing there, turning in circles in front of the homestead, looking like a complete idiot.

"Looking for something?" I snap my head to the side and see her standing there dangling my notebook from her hands. I start towards her. She just sticks her tongue out at me and takes off running again, but this time I catch up to her quickly. Without thinking I grab her around the waist and lift her off the ground, she giggles and squirms trying to break free, but I hold on tighter. "Give it to me."

"Ok, ok,ok." She says, out of breath from laughing. She takes the notebook and throws it away from us. I put her down and sprint towards the notebook, and so does she. I get there first but she's right behind me and tries to grab it, this -somehow- ends with her laying on the ground and me, leaning over the top of her holding the book behind me. She reaches around me trying to grab the notebook.

I look down and realize just how close we are, our faces just inches apart. The urge to close the distance between them is almost too much. She looks up at me and for a minute we are frozen, her eyes locked on mine. She bites her lip, and smirks, tempting me further. If only she knew how bad I wanted to kiss those lips..... What the shuck? get a hold of yourself Minho. Aww shuck it I like the greenie.

I sit up, if I had stayed just a couple seconds longer and I might have actually done it. I open the notebook to today's page. I read it as she sits beside me laughing hysterically.

Random stuff:
Walls are grey
Skylar is awesome
Beetle blades are mean
This is so boring
Minho sucks
He's ignoring me
My hair is falling out
Ouch rock
Yay we're back!!!

"Hilarious." I say rolling my eyes at her. She glances at the page and laughs again. "And I wasn't ignoring you, I–"

"Hey slintheads," Newt says walking in our direction. He looks confused, "what are you doing?"

"Let's just say Skylar is awful at taking notes." I answer. Sky shakes her head. Newt glances at Skylar laying on the ground, and then to me sitting beside her. He gives me a puzzled look, but doesn't say anything.

"I am amazing at taking notes, Thank you very much." Sky says crossing her arms and pretending to pout.

"Whatever, come on." Newt says, ignoring us and turning back towards the homestead. "We have a gathering to get to." He never has time for any fun, a habit we are determined to break him of. I stand and hold out my hand to help Skylar off the ground. She takes it and I realize don't want to let go of her hand, even once she is standing.  Reluctantly, I do and we follow Newt to the homestead.

I might just have to make sure she gets the job of runner.

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