XLVII. Remeber

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"Float, Catch, Bleed, Death, Stiff, Push? What the klunk does that mean?" Newt asks. But I'm far too overcome with realization to answer him.

Suddenly I'm hit by a wave of something I don't quite understand. An itching feeling in the far corners of my brain, a slight pain pierced through my skull. Those six words triggered something inside me, no, more like softened something inside me. I can feel it more clearly now, another weak spot in the wall, the wall that blocks out my memories. I will be able to remember something else, I know it. I don't know how I know, but I do.

"I need to go to the map room." I say, I will remember, but not here, not with this many people. Surely they've cleared Ably out by now, and it's the only place I can think of that I'll be able to be alone. The last two times that I brought back memories were painful experiences. In the maze, I yelled and screamed in pain, not caring who, or what heard me, and the second time I was completely unconscious, and while I'm not sure if this one will knock me out, I don't want to have to explain either situation to a room full of people.

"Skylar, what's going on?" Newt asks, suddenly aware of my vacant look.
"It's getting late, you won't have much time....." His voice trails off.

"I need to go to the map room." I repeat. Minho stares at me, and I stare back, letting the intensity in my eyes speak for itself.

"I'll go with her, and we won't stay long." Minho says, giving me an 'this-better-be-important' look. I'm glad he offered to come, I don't want a lot of people, but I don't particularly like the idea of being completely alone. What if something goes wrong?

"Ok, but hurry." Newt says, giving us a weird look.

"You sure you're ok?" Kate asks clearly concerned.

"Ya I'll be fine." I answer, without looking at her.

"Um, I'm gonna go too, I need some fresh air." Kate says, apparently not believing me that I'm alright. Oh well, the two people I trust most is still better than ten. Minho looks annoyed at Kate's suggestion but doesn't argue.

Quickly the three of us exit, leaving the rest of the room in bewildered silence.
I walk quickly to the map room, hurrying to avoid questions from other gladers. As I suspected we find the map room empty. I slide in, shutting the door behind Minho.

"So what's really going on? Cause clearly it's not nothing." Minho asks, the second the door is closed.

"I'm getting another one, like the first, and I didn't want to be screaming my head off in a room full of people." I tell him, sitting down on the floor.

"Seriously?" He asks, his eyes going wide in shock.

"Ya." I answer wearily, folding my hands in my lap.

"Wait a second what am I missing? You're having another what?" Kate asks.

"Another memory." I answer.

"Oooooh." Kate says, all of it finally clicking into place. Eventually I did tell her about the memories, even though Minho didn't want me to.

"You should lay down." Minho says, coming to sit beside me. "Here." He says taking off his jacket and throwing it at me. I sigh I roll it up into a ball, using it as a pillow. I close my eyes and feel for the weak point in the memory wall.

"Is it working?" Kate whispers.

"Be quiet Kate! You'll distract her." Minho answers for me.

"Oh like your not talking?" Kate snaps back.

"Shut up! Both of you!" I huff, opening my eyes for a second. "Let me concentrate."

I close my eyes again, and quickly feel the memory. It's at the tip of my brain and I can almost see it. My head starts to hurt as I try to pull the memory out of the corner of my mind where it is hidden. The pain gets worse, and I cry out, my head thrashing side to side. Then with one final stab of pain, the memory comes back, and the room fades away.

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