XXIV. Daybreak

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Skylar's POV

My eyes flutter open as sunlight streams through the windows, illuminating the room in a faint yellow glow. I squint against the brightness as my eyes adjust to being open. I am awake, for real this time.

Glancing around the room, I notice Minho, still sitting in a chair beside my bed. He stayed, I think delighted that he would stay for me. He is sleeping, and looks like he could use some more of it, so I decide not to wake him. It worries me how worn down he looks, his usually impeccable hair in complete disarray, dark circles looming under his normally bright eyes, his body sagging in exhaustion. He'll be fine, I tell myself, though I'm not convinced it's true.

Silently, I try and push myself into a sitting position, the pain making my movements slow and difficult. And I thought I was in pain when I sprained my ankle, psshh, I didn't know what pain was. Finally I manage to sit up, my ribs throbbing in protest. I push my hand against my rib cage, trying to ease the ache, but applying pressure only causes my shoulder to scream in agony. I let out a frustrated huff, forgetting temporarily that I was trying not to wake Minho.

"Hmm?" Minho mumbles, eyes still closed. I freeze, hoping he will go back to sleep, but his eyes flicker open, scanning the room before landing on me.

"Sky you're awake!!!" He yells. Crossing the room faster than I thought possible, he wraps me in a bear hug, making me cry out in pain.

"Oh shuck, I'm sorry! What hurts?" He says pulling back to look me over. He looks terrified, like just touching me could shatter me into a million pieces.

"Everything..." I groan, leaning forwards to rest my head against his chest. He exhales, wrapping his arm loosely around my waist, this time careful not to touch my wound.

"I thought I lost you." He whispers turning his head so that his mouth is directly against my ear. "I thought I'd never get to hear you laugh at another one of my stupid jokes...I"

"Because that's such an important job, I'm sure you could find a replacement." I say cutting him off and teasing him.

"No I couldn't and even if I could, I wouldn't want to. I want you Sky." He says softly, sending chills down my body. "But I'm glad you're still you." He adds with a quiet chuckle. I am glad too, glad that I am still me, he is still him, and we are still us, because that in itself is a miracle.

For awhile we sit in silence, neither of us willing to break the moment of peace, but eventually Minho speaks up. "I should get the med-jacks." He sighs, he doesn't want to move anymore than I do, which, is not at all. Mostly because I don't want him to leave, but also because moving really, really hurts. Did I mention that it hurts?

"Nooooo..." I whine when he shifts to get up, setting me back against the bed. I stick out my lower lip in a pout. Once everyone knows I'm awake, my peace and quiet will be gone.

"Don't worry I'll be right back." He says tousling my hair, which I'm sure, is messy enough already. He laughs and kisses my forehead before going to find Clint and Jeff, and assumably Newt, probably Kate and Mal as well.

He might as well just bring the whole glade! Let's just have a party! I pout, If you couldn't tell I'm in no mood for a party. Maybe I'll pretend to be asleep when they come back. Would that be wrong? Yes, I answer to my own question. They are my friends and they are just worried, I'll just have to endure the painful hug attacks and teary reunions. I'm not really one for tears, they make me uncomfortable, especially when I'm the cause. I could be really mean and pretend to be dead. I scratch that thought the instant in enters my mind, not even an option, I've put them through enough all ready. I don't have long to think about it as I soon hear fast approaching footsteps. Seconds later, Minho walks through the door, a tired smile brightening his face. He is followed by Clint, Jeff, and Newt, who silently file into the room.

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