XL. Did I mention

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"Newt!" I call out when I find him sitting alone on the homestead steps. He looks like walking death, his pale face sagging under the stress. I feel bad for him, I can't imagine having to run the entire glad while your two best friends are almost dead. I do what I can to help, but I'm nothing compared to Minho or Alby.

"Ya." He mutters, not seeming to be in the mood for talking.

"What's wrong? Well, besides the obvious." I ask, sitting down next to him.

"I've got to buggin figure out what to do with Tommy, he broke our most important rule." Newt explains.

I groan, "Don't tell me this means..."

"Another gathering." Newt nods, finishing my sentence.

"Did I mention I hate gatherings?"

"Maybe once or twice."

"When?" I ask flatly, not looking forward to another gathering.

"In an hour or two, figured I'd let Tommy and Minho get some sleep first." He says. I rest my head on my knees, watching the other gladers go about their daily work, gardening and building and such. I wish it could return to the peaceful place it was a few days ago, before Thomas and the girl's arrival, but something tells me the glade will never be peaceful again.

Newt and I sit there for a long time, sometimes talking, sometimes sitting in silence, both of us trying in our own way to deal with what was happening. He was braver than anyone I'd ever met, had gone through some awful stuff, and yet, he never stopped trying to help everyone else. I admired that about him. He was a good leader, always willing to do what needed to be done, even if it wasn't what he wanted. I decide that if I had a brother, I'd want him to be just like Newt.

Two hours later we sit in the gathering room, waiting for Thomas to show up, so we can get started. Minho sits tiredly beside me, slumped in his chair. He got four hours of sleep, but apparently that wasn't enough. Finally Thomas walks through the door, looking half a sleep, followed closely by Newt, who looks more exhausted than Thomas and Minho combined.

"In place of Alby, I declare this meeting began." Newt says rolling his eyes at the formality. "It's clear the last few days have been bloody crazy, and a lot of it has been centered around our buggin' greenbean, Tommy."

"He's not the greenie anymore." Gally sneers, his voice low and cruel.

"Gally, I'm the bloody chair right now, and if you can't keep your buggin mouth shut, I'll arrange another banishing for your sorry butt, are we clear?" Newt states, shooting Gally a glare. I wish I could cheer for that, I don't even know how Gally managed to make it on the council, but he certainly doesn't belong there. Gally just huffs and leans back in his chair.

"Now, we have to decide what to do with Tommy." Newt says. Gally leans forward in his chair, as if he's about to speak, but Newt cuts him off before he can say anything. "You will all have your turn, so keep your holes shut until it's your turn and Thomas, your not allowed to say a buggin' thing until we ask you to." Newt waits for Thomas' nod of consent before continuing. "Zart, you start."

"Well, he did break a rule..... but he saved Alby's life... So I don't think he should be punished." Zart says slowly, fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat. Thomas, who has been sitting silently in his chair, looks relieved and sits up straighter. Next its frypan's turn.

"I think this is all a bunch of klunk, the kid saved Alby's life, and killed a griever, now here we are deciding what to do with him? Doesn't make sense to me." The cook says, shaking his head. I couldn't agree more, having been the only other person to spend a night in the maze, I know it's ridiculous that we are even discussing this.

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