LIII. Stolen

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Black clad men and women pour through the doors, opening fire on anything that moves. I watch in shock as WICKED personnel go down left and right, blood seeping through their white lab coats.

"Don't worry, we're here to save you." Says one of the men, putting a bullet in the woman's head. I barely flinch.

"Aww no fair, I wanted to do that." I sneer, kicking the woman in the side as I walk past her. I feel no guilt, after what they've done, they deserve every bullet. I can only hope these people really are our rescuers, but anyone is better than WICKED.

"Come on, we have to go." The man says, leading us back to the door, the rest of the group forming a barrier around us. I can hear Thomas screaming as they try and drag him away from Chuck's body, away from the maze. Minho stays right beside me, half holding me up as we run.

Light pours from the the door as we are ushered outside, met by the coolness of rain falling from the sky. I can't remember the last time I saw rain. The world around me is grey and desolate, Crumbling buildings surrounding us on  every side, and streets are empty, aside from piles of debris and rusting cars. Is this what the whole world is like? If it is, I think I know why Alby didn't want to come back.

"Sky, I'm sorry about Kate." It's the last person I would have ever expected,  who's voice who interrupts my thoughts. Jess. "Look, I know we aren't exactly close, but I really am sorry."

"It should have been you." I hiss, talking though clenched teeth. "How dare you talk to me when Kate's dead and you lived? It should have been you instead." I take a shaky step towards her and slap my palm across her face. Surprisingly, she doesn't fight back.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry." Jess says, hanging her head. I'm shocked that the words came out of her mouth. "I deserved to die, I should already be dead, I should have died the day I pushed you into the maze, but I didn't. You saved me and now you lost your best friend, I'm sorry." She whispers, then turns to walk away. I take a deep breath and turn around.

"No, I'm sorry, Kate didn't deserve to die, but neither do you, none of us do, or did, whatever, none of us deserve any of this, and it's all WICKED's fault." I say, my hands clenching into fists at the mention of WICKED. Jess nods before walking away. I still don't like her, but what I said is true, none of us deserved this.

"Get on the bus, quick." A woman says, pushing us toward an ugly rusted old bus, waiting in the middle of the street. Silently I obey, collapsing in a seat near the back. I notice Minho coming and sitting next to me, but I don't say anything. Too many things have happened all at once. I am numb, too much death, too much loss, I don't know if I'll ever feel anything ever again.  My mind, like the world around me, is grey.

"It's ok, you're safe now." The woman says, once we've all boarded the bus. "It's time for you to start your new lives."

And for a moment I allow myself to think that maybe, just maybe, we are really safe now, everything is finally over, and that maybe, some day, we can reclaim what was stolen from us. That At least, for now, we are free from WICKED.

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