XVI. Greenie Day

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A few weeks later...

Today we got back to the glade just in time. A minute later and we would have been stuck in the maze. As usual there was nothing exciting, well, with the exception of a few stolen kisses, which may or may not have been the reason we were almost late.

"What took you so bloody long?" Newt says walking towards us. It's not unusual for us to cut it close just for fun, but not this close.

"Uh, We took a couple extra breaks." Minho answers winking at me with an evil smirk. My face turns colors as Newt eyes us suspiciously.

"Just go do the maps." Newt sighs. We both start to jog to the map room when newt stops me.

"Not you, you're coming with me." He says waving Minho off. He shrugs and keeps going. I stare confusedly at newt, who offers no explanation. what did I do now? What could he possibly want?

"You said you'd help me with the greenie, remember?" Newt states, like it should have been obvious. Ooh. I had completely forgotten that today was greenie day.

"Oooh ya, ok! is it a girl?" I ask excited at not having to be the greenie anymore, and at the possibility of having another girl.

"Ya it is." He says, a strange expression clouding his face. Was that a blush? Yep, he's definitely smiling. Ooooooo, Newt likes the greenie. That makes me smile. I hope they end up together, Newt deserves someone to make him happy, he's been through so much. I liked Newt, and would do almost anything for him, but it wasn't like that between us, we were just friends. Family almost.

We walk towards the homestead, and I notice the greenie standing awkwardly in front of the doors. I can see why Newt would like her, she's beautiful. Her long blond hair cascades over her shoulders and down her back, and her green eyes sparkle in the sunlight.

"Skylar this is Mallory the greenie, Mallory, this is Skylar, she'll be taking care of you." Newt says introducing us. Poor girl, she looks terrified.

"You can call me Sky," I say holding my hand out for her to shake. She hesitantly takes it, quickly shaking it before returning it to her side. Am I really that scary? I wonder. Well, I probably don't exactly look great after running all day.

"Don't worry I won't bite." I say laughing.

"Well not usually." Newt replies rolling his eyes. I snap my teeth at him and grin, then turn back to Mallory.

"Don't mind that slinthead, come on I'll get you a bed." I say motioning for her to follow me. She doesn't though, she just stands there confused. It takes me a minute to figure out why.

"Oh, slinthead? Ya I know, you'll get used to the language." I say laughing and pulling her with me. This time she smiles and follows me. Keep her busy. I think to myself, remembering Kate's advice. I really wanted to make the transition as easy as possible for the new girl. She looked even more scared than I had been. Way more scared.

I lead the way to our dorm and she picks the bed under mine. We get her some supplies and clothes, a lot of them actually. Kate was right, you get bored of the same four outfits. As we sit on the bed waiting for dinner, I'm struck with a sudden feeling of Deja-vu. It's funny how a month or so ago I sat in this very room, in the same place as Mallory now sits, doing the same thing. The only difference is today I'm not the greenie, I'm the guide. Weird how that works.

I look up from my daydreaming and see that Mallory looks like she's on the verge of tears. I feel bad for her, remembering what it felt like to wake up in the box with no memories, face to face with fifty strangers all talking about things you don't understand.

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