XLV. Night and Day

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I find myself in my own room, sharing it with Newt, Minho, Thomas, Kate, Mal, Clint, Jeff, Frypan and Alby. There aren't nearly enough rooms for everyone, so it is a bit crowded, but there was no where else for everyone to go. The sleeping bags everyone brought are now scattered around on the floor, most pushed towards the back of the room, away from the window. Kate, Mal and I had decided to sleep on the floor too, feeling guilty for being the only ones with a bed. Plus, if we needed to get away quickly, I'd rather not have to try and climb down off of my bunk half asleep.

"So the greenie girl?" I ask trying to get the story straight. I had heard to many different stories from too many different people.

"Yes, she kicked me, escaped the med-jack room, found Thomas and is now in the slammer." Jeff recites without waiting for my full question. I had heard he'd been involved in the ordeal.

"Explained that a couple times today?" I ask, laughing at the familiar way in which he'd said it.

"Ya think?"

"What's her name?" I ask, oddly curious.

"Teresa." Thomas says, speaking up for the first time in a while. "Her name is Teresa."

A strange look passes over Newt's face, and I wonder what it could be about, but elect to Ignore it for now. I have plenty to worry about. The rest of the group gets into an argument about whether or not Teresa should be trusted, but I tune them out. It doesn't matter. For the record I don't trust her, but right now, we have more important things to worry about. Things like grievers.

The conversation pauses for a moment, and I can just make out the distant moan of the approaching beasts. It makes me shiver. I wonder how long it will take them to reach the glade. An hour? Two? Three? It's misery.

"I wish they would just hurry up and get it over with." Kate says with a shudder.

"No you don't." I reply flatly. I know what she means, sometimes the waiting is the hardest part, the terror gradually building as each second passes by, your mind slowly tearing itself apart. I experienced that firsthand in the maze, but one thought of a griever and I can't bring myself to agree. I would rather wait in misery than face another griever.

"Maybe they won't come at all." Mal suggests, leaning her head on Newt's shoulder. I wish I could share in her optimism.

"What do you think they will do?"

"If they get in? Kill us all." Minho answers, his voice emotionless. He's seen the grievers up close, knows what they are capable of.

"Well aren't you bloody cheery." Newt scolds, shaking his head. Once again the room grows eerily quiet, everyone anxiously awaiting the inevitable. The silence last for an hour before the first sound escapes the maze.

A low, unearthly moan echoes through the homestead, sending chills down my spine. Minho pulls me backwards into his lap where he leans against the back wall, but even his strong arms do little to calm the anxiety building in my chest. I shudder as goose bumps spread across my skin, the metallic clicking and whirring growing ever closer.

"We need to study the maps." Thomas mutters, fidgeting with the knife in his lap. Alby's eyes light up, like he's had an idea.

"I'll go. right now, the map rooms as safe as here." Alby says standing quickly.

"Alby are you bloody insane? You can't go now." Newt says, mirroring my thoughts exactly. Well he did get stung.

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