XXV. Forget

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She walks through the door, her black hair hanging low in front of her eyes, her hands tied as she is led along by Alby. I didn't think I would have to face her, and the shock sends waves through my body. I'm not sure what to think, Jessica is here, alive and sitting a couple feet away from me. I look away, trying my best to ignore her presence, but my body tenses, giving away my discomfort.

Minho must notice, because he squeezes my hand in reassurance. I'm grateful for the comfort but half wish he would let go. He never moved away from his spot on my bed, making the situation even more awkward, as if having this many people staring at me wasn't bad enough already.

The keepers, along with Alby, Newt, and Jess, form a sort of half circle in front of us, sitting in chairs or on one of the beds. They all stare at me, their expressions ranging from angry,to scared, to awed. I'm not good at awkward situations, especially ones that involve being stared at by twenty people, so I duck my head and fiddle with the edge of my blanket, not wanting to make eye contact. Finally Alby speaks up.

"We are here to discuss the events caused by Skylar, and to decide on a punishment for Jessica. Any questions?" Alby asks standing to face the group. "No? Good, I declare this gathering begun." Alby announces taking his seat beside Newt.

"Sky we need you to explain what happened." Newt says pointedly. Scribbling notes on a piece of paper.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, then start at the beginning, explaining as much as I can remember, I leave out nothing, except the memory. I don't know why I choose to keep that a secret, it just seems like it wouldn't be a good idea to tell everyone.

"Wait so you Killed four grievers?" Clint interrupts, his eyes going wide in shock. I nod, blushing at all of the attention.

"By burning them! where did you get that idea?" Winston asks shaking his head in disbelief.

"Um it was just a guess, them being machines and all." I say, trying to shrug it off as logic rather than a memory.

"Please, we have no proof that she killed any grievers! She could be one of the creators for all we know."Someone-Gally- shouts.

"Actually we do." Newt says pulling what appears to be a large syringe out of his bag. "After her tip about the dead grievers, me and a couple other shanks went and checked them out. Cut this off one of the bloody arms, must be what they use to sting." He says explaining the strange looking device. So he did understand what I was trying to say.

"We found four of them, just like she said, three burnt, one with a knife in its head." Alby says turning in his chair to look at Gally. "What more proof do you want?"

"Well there's still something suspicious if ya ask me," Gally says with an angry huff. "No ones ever survived a night in the maze, suddenly she survives and kills four grievers? Nah somethings up, we should banish her if you ask me." He says crossing his arms over his chest.

"You say something like that again and I'll break your shuck neck." Minho yells suddenly jumping to his feet. "Threaten Sky again you piece of Klunk, come on try it." His hands tighten into fist as he glares furiously at Gally. This isn't going to be good.

"Really Gally?" I laugh trying to diffuse the situation "I just survived a banishment? What makes you think I couldn't do it again?" I ask boldly, it's a bluff but I'm betting he won't call it. I see the fear in his eyes when my comment soaks in, both of us realizing the same thing. I am dangerous, their punishment doesn't work on me. As long as they don't know I'm scared to death of going back into the maze, they have no power over me.

"See what I mean!" Gally yells "she's dangerous."

"Gally sit down and shut your hole." Newt says. "You too Minho." Minho obeys, plopping down on the bed beside me. He still looks angry, but manages to keep his mouth shut.

"Now what to do with Jessica?" Newt says flipping open a new piece of paper. "Now everyone will get their say and then we'll vote, so keep your traps shut until your turn get me?" Everyone murmurs 'good thats' and 'got its' in agreement.

"Ok Jessica, tell your side." Alby says with a sigh, like he's heard it a thousand times already. Jessica lifts her head, revealing a tear stained face and bloodshot eyes.

"I didn't mean to do it, I...I mean I meant to push her, but not into the maze. I wasn't trying to kill her...." She breaks into sobs "I wasn't, I really wasn't, I just wanted to fight her not kill her." She cries. "I'm sorry Sky." She whispers tears streaming down her face. I want to think she's lying, to hate her and want her dead, but I know Jess is not lying. I sigh why can't you just be a jerk and let me hate you? I might just hate her anyways.

The room breaks into arguments, people yelling and screaming at each other, descending into total chaos as Newt and Alby try desperately to regain control.

"SHUT UP!!" Newt screams, finally gaining everyone's attention. "Now act like the adults you are and bloody wait your turns." He shouts, frustrated. Slowly the boys take their seats, the tension between them clearly visible.
"Winston, you first." Newt says readying himself to take notes.

"Well she almost killed sky....so I think she should get banished, sorry Jess, but we can't have those kind of 'mistakes'." Winston says shrugging. Next up is Gally, and I'm not exactly excited to hear what he has to say.

"I think we should honor Jess, and banish Skylar." Gally says proudly, earning a collective groan from everyone, to my relief Newt doesn't even write it down.

"You are so backwards shuck-face, maybe I should screw your head on right for ya." Minho says starting to stand.

"Sit down." I tell him, pulling him back down beside me. No one is stupid enough to vote for Gally's idea, so I'm not worried. He gives me a strange look, but listens. Next is Frypan's turn.

"I agree with Winston, she can't break our number one rule and get away with it, I mean if Sky had died-and she could have- we wouldn't even be discussing this, Jess would have been banished. The End. So why treat it any different just because Sky happens to have serious skills?" He says, shooting me a smile. I blush again and look at the floor, letting my long hair hide my red face.

"I agree, she should be punished" says another keeper, Zart I think. "But it was an accident so banishment seems a little harsh, I suggest a month in the slammer, and a job transfer to slopper when she gets out."

"Ok writing it down, anymore or should we vote?" Asks Newt, busily jotting down notes. No one replies.

"Then let's vote and bloody get this over with." He says and starts going around the room, gathering votes.

Three vote for Winston's idea, two for Zart's. Gally of course votes for his own, leaving five people including me. Two more for Winston's (Minho among them, not that I'm surprise) and three for Zart's. Tied. All up to me. Great, just the situation I wanted to avoid.

"that leaves you Sky." Newt says nodding towards me. Jess hangs her head knowing I hold her fate.It is my decision, I can send someone to their death, or I can let them live, but the choice is all mine. I think about it for a few minutes, emotion and logic battling inside me. Finally, I have my answer.

"I vote for......Zart's" I say, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I hear gasps around the room. I just can't bring myself to sentence someone to death, Plus, we need all the people we can get if we're going to survive this stupid maze. Maybe my reasons are selfish, but I have made my choice.

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