01: You're a Moody Girl, Aren't You?

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Gif: Chloë Grace Moretz as Anna Parker


     I suddenly woke up, feeling wet all over my body--no negative thinking okay--, covered in water. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw my beloved older brother, fully dressed, and holding a small bucket, which was empty.

Hm, I wonder where did all the water go, I thought sarcastically.

"Finally! I thought you were dead," Ashton exclaimed when I finally woke up. "Oh, by the way, Mom is kind of mad at you. It's past 7 o'clock."

"Oh shoot!" I cursed along with other colourful words. "Get out." With that, he scurried out of my room and slammed the door shut.

I hurried out of bed and glanced at the clock, which read 7:40 a.m. We usually leave the house at 7:45; school starts at 8 and I'm doomed. Worse of all, it's the first day of school after Winter Break.

"Crab, crab, crab," I mumbled repeatedly. My mom doesn't like it if any of us swear, especially in front of her, so yeah.

I decided not to wash my hair. I just put my dyed brown hair into a ponytail and applied no make up. Usually I'll just apply some lip-gloss and toner, but now is not the right time to do so. After I finished getting ready for school, I dashed downstairs, and quickly grabbed a carton of milk and a fruit bar, and hurriedly hopped into the car. Whew.

"Sorry, Mom," I apologised to my mom. Her eyes were just focused onto the road.

"Why didn't you wake up this morning?" she questioned.

I also don't know why I woke up late. "I think I forgot to turn on the alarm clock," I told her, which caused her to sigh.

My mom isn't the type of moms who are easily mad. My mom is surprisingly patient; so I rarely see her really mad.

"Always remember to check before sleeping," she reminded me.

"Okay, Mom."

After that, silence filled in the car. My 13-year-old brother, James, sat in front beside my mother, and my older brother sat beside me, busy playing something in his phone.

I opened my bag and started to search for my phone, and realised that my phone isn't anywhere in my bag. Darn, I left it in my room.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked Ashton, interrupting him from his game.

"It's 7:52 a.m., thanks to you," he replied before going back to his previous activity.

I just leaned back on the car and looked at the blurry scene from the window.


"Bye Mom," I said as I closed the car door and ran into the school, going in different direction from my brother, since we're in different grades. It was 8:13 when I arrived, and I'm only 13 minutes late-- thanks to my mom, she drove so fast that we nearly crashed into a tree. If she didn't speed up, I'd probably be 20 minutes late.

Shoot, I forgot what my first schedule is. I quickly unzipped my bag and grabbed my schedule out of my bag. I couldn't go to my locker because it's located quite far from where I am, but luckily all the books are in my bag.

I'm having English, okay. I began to run, and before I knew, I was covered in water again.

I groaned in frustration.

"Uh, sorry," someone said as his eyes made eye contact with a pair of mine. "I guess you should watch where you are going."

"Sorry," I said sarcastically, emphasising on the word. "Who told you to keep your water bottle's lid opened?"

"You're a moody girl aren't you?" he asked, smirking.

"No, but I am now, thanks to you," I snapped, feeling annoyed. I stood up straight to face the boy who crashed onto me. "Are you new here?"

He smirked at my reply, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, and I am slightly lost," he said, putting his water bottle in his bag. "Do you know where the English class is?"

"Yes, come with me," I said reluctantly and without thinking, I quickly grabbed his hand and ran to the class. "I'm supposed to be there by now, but thanks to you, I am late."

"You're not the only one who is late," he said. "But whatever."


"Come in," a voice said after I knocked on the door.

I slowly entered the room with all eyes on me, but it only lasted for few seconds; they all turned their head and looked at the new guy that annoyingly splashed water onto me.

The girls' eyes were all focused to that guy whose name I didn't know. They kept on batting their eyelashes at him, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Care to explain why are you late?" the English teacher, Mr Ryder questioned, looking at both the boy and I. "Oh, you must be the new student."

"I woke up late and helped him to find this class," I said, slightly shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal. I mean it is, English is one of my favourite subjects, but right now, I don't care. I don't want to argue right now.

"Yes, I am new here, Sir," the boy replied politely. Oh, politely my butt.

Mr Ryder gave me the detention slip and I proceeded to sit on my usual seat, next to Nate, my best friend of 9 years.

"Hey," I said to Nate.

"I thought you were dead," he said teasingly.

"That's what Ashton said," I said emotionlessly.

"Since you are new, I can tolerate you," Mr Ryder told him, and the boy nodded his head, silently sighed of relief.

I rolled my eyes. I helped him to find this class! Why am I still getting detention?

"Can you introduce yourself?"

"Hi, my name is Luke," he said, introducing himself, smirking and making an eye contact with me for a second as if he was talking to me before looking at the others.

"Okay, thank you Luke, you may take a seat over there," Mr Ryder said, pointing at the empty seat across me, just thirty centimetres away, and I silently groaned.

Nate silently snickered beside me.

The bo- Luke just smirked as he took a seat across my seat.

Boy, isn't this guy tired of smirking all the time?

I rolled my eyes for the third time today in less than an hour.

"So class, where were we before?" Mr Ryder asked, resuming his class that was interrupted thanks to you know whom.

This is going to be a very long morning.


Hello! I hope that you're liking this book/chapter so far :)

Anna is played by Chloe Moretz
Her gif is posted above :)

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See you soon!

Next update: Not sure, my wifi is being a jerk and im uploading this in a restaurant haha

Next update: Not sure, my wifi is being a jerk and im uploading this in a restaurant haha

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