03: My Face Went Red From Embarrassment

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Gif: Selena Gomez as Michelle Hayes


"It's Carson," Ashton said. "He's in the band with me."

"Oh, yeah," I said, trying to remember him.

Right, he's in the band with Ashton at school.

Ashton plays the drum while Carson plays the guitar and he's the vocalist, and there's a keyboardist whose name I forgot.

I had a crush on him during middle school. It makes me want to rip all of my hair out thinking about that.

I was really proud that I finally got a crush and told my whole family. Until now, I am still cringing over that.

Right now, we aren't exactly close friends, but we often see each other thanks to my brother.

He often comes to our house to practise for their gigs.

I watched Carson going back and forth from the truck to his house, carrying boxes in his hands.

It was peaceful until he turned his head to face me, and made an eye contact with me.

Abort mission. I repeat, abort mission.

I made an eye contact with his sky blue eyes before quickly closing the curtains. I seriously can feel my cheeks turning scarlet.

There is no way that I can face him properly again.

"Why did you close the curtain?" Ashton questioned.

"He caught me red-handed," I said, burying my face on my hands, and Ashton just let out a laugh.

"Man, you are so red," Ashton said, slapping my shoulder, causing me to slightly wince. "Don't think that I forgot who your crush was back when you were in grade 5."

"I'm leaving," I snapped, going to my room.

I quickly went to my room, turned on my Mac Book, and clicked the familiar green icon also known as Face Time.

I quickly typed Michelle's e-mail address and video called her.

Soon a familiar Latina appeared on the screen. "Hey girlfriend. What's up?"

But before I could reply, she added, "Don't answer the sky."

"Fine, the ceiling," I smirked.

She immediately face palmed. "Whatever."

"Have you finished your homework?" I asked.

"I'm still doing it actually," she said.

"Alright then," I told her. "You can do it, I'll talk to you later."

"No, it's alright!" she exclaimed. "I'm almost done."

"Okay then," I chuckled. "So . . ."

"So- wait, why does it look like you're blushing?" she asked, quirking her eyebrows. "Someone asked you out?"

"Not again," I groaned. "No, I wish, but this is worse."

"Continue," she said, motioning me to continue.

"Do you remember the empty house next to mine?" I questioned.

It took her 10 seconds to reply. "Oh yeah, I remember. Why?"

"Some people moved in," I told her.

"Do I know those 'people'?" she said, quoting the on the word 'people.'

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