10: Can I Not Do It?

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Dedication to my homie, @tacostopizza
Thank you for the support mom!


I turned around to see the person, he was who I wanted to see the least, leaning against the door frame that separates the living room from the kitchen, I suppose.

Oh, and as usual, he is smirking.

I was sort of surprised to see Luke suddenly appearing.

Is he Logan's brother . . . or cousin? They kind of looked similar.

"Her name is Clara," he repeated, and took a sip of his drink.

"Okay," I muttered, silently hoping that he won't come and sit on the couch with me.

Much to my dismay, he walked to my direction and took a seat next to the girl-- Clara.

"You are Logan's cousin?" I started, feeling confused.

"Brother," he replied.

Soon, his mom appeared with a tray filled with cans of Coke and some snacks. "Feel free to take."

"Thank you," I said politely to her, offering a small smile.

"You both know each other?" she asked, but she looked at Luke most of the time.

He cleared his throat, but I beat him to answer. "Yes, we do, Ma'am."

He gave me an annoyed look, and I smirked at him.

His mom laughed. "Anna, you don't need to be too formal. Just call me Sarah."

"O-okay, Sarah," I said.

Sarah smiled at me. "I'll be in my room if you need anything. I'll just leave all you guys in here."

With that, she disappears from the room.

I fished out my phone from my pocket and looked at my Instagram feed, but then I got bored.

Looking to my right, I saw James and Logan arguing about who is going to hold their poster and who is going to speak most of the time.

"Since you are taller than me, you should hold the poster and let me speak," argued Logan.

"But I am a better reader than you," James retorted.

I can't help but to chuckle at them.

It seemed that Luke was irritated by their argument. "Do you have a projector in your class?" They nodded. "Well, since you haven't started making your poster, why don't you just use your laptop and just make a PowerPoint presentation. You're allowed to do that right?"

They nodded once again. "Later, when you both are presenting your slides, you can use the remote for the projector to move the slides," finished Luke.

Logan's face broke into a grin. "That's a great idea! Why didn't we think of it from before?"

I saw Luke rolled his eyes, and I couldn't help it but to chuckle at their conversation.

"Let's go!" James said as he grinned.

Soon, both of the boys were nowhere to be seen.

I turned back and stared into the television as if I were really watching it.

Around fifteen minutes after Logan and James went upstairs, I got really bored; I wanted to go back home, but my mom told me to wait for James.

The living room was so awkward and silent; only the voice from the television was heard.

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