32: Oops

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"How well do you think you did?" Luke asked me as we both exited English class at the same time, surprising me since he's never approached me like this before.

He ended up reviewing with me and helped me memorize until it was about one. I only got five hours of sleep, yay me.

I tried to stifle a yawn but eventually failed. "From one to ten?" I asked, looking at his cerulean eyes, which directly stared at my blue-green ones. "Four. I didn't get enough sleep last night and forgot to study."

"I wonder whose fault was it?" he questioned, making me roll my eyes. "Hopefully you'll get at least a decent score, thanks to me."

I didn't get to answer him as he walked away, going to the opposite direction of where I was about to go. Before he left, I swore I saw him flashing a small smile that looked genuine.

Suddenly, Nate appeared next to me with a smirk on his face. I forgot that he was also in the same class as mine. "What's just happened?" he mused out loud. "Is somebody trying to make a move on you?"

"He helped me with the test last night," was my blunt answer. I didn't realize I've just said it out loud before thinking. I slapped him on the shoulder as he just smirked.

He laughed loudly as I just glared at him. "Last night," he pondered loudly. "Wait until Michelle hears this."

I groaned and ignored him for the rest of the period.


"The date of the play is getting nearer and we only have a few more times to practice," my drama teacher, Mr. Peter said excitingly. "I know that you all have been working so hard, so I know that things would be alright."

I sighed as I was quite nervous since the day of the real play is coming closer and closer.

"We've practiced the beginning for a zillion times, so let's just skip over a few scenes and let's do the last scene," he said, giving me and Luke a nod as we both got onto the stage, preparing for the scene.

The lights were all turned off except for the ones on the stage and the spotlight that was glaring at me and Luke.

We were both sitting on the floor as the setting was that we were in a park, having a picnic. The setting was set two years after the first scene. Logan, Luke's character was supposed to propose to Audrey, my character. As what Mr. Peters originally planned, we were supposed to share a long passionate kiss but we refused so we settled for a hug instead, much to my relief.

I leaned onto Luke as I looked up at the ceiling with a smile on my face. He was supposedly smiling at me, caressing my hair. "You know," I started. "A few years ago never would I ever thought this would happen."

"Us like this?" 'Logan' said looking at me with his cerulean eyes. Duh, I thought in my head.

I nodded my head as I faced him completely. "I hated you," I told him. Actually, I still dislike you.

"I've never actually hated you," he said and I blinked. "I thought that you looked beautiful when I first saw you."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?" I asked. "Even after I splashed you with that bucket of water?"

"Really," he said, as he backed away from me, probably going to propose. "I was attracted to you at first sight and ever since I got to know you, this attraction grew more and more, turning it into love."

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