28: Then Don't Care

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"Thank you for the ride," I told Nate before getting out of his car as we've arrived at my house.

He looked at me with a smile. "No problem," he answered. "Don't think too much, alright?" I nodded my head. "See you at school," he said before driving off to his house.

I sighed as I recalled all the events that had happened today. This morning when I woke up, I've already felt slightly gloomy as I remembered that it was Asher's birthday. What was very sad about that was that we couldn't celebrate it normally like how other teenagers do.

Pressing the door bell, the door was opened by James. He looked at me with a small smile. "How was it?" he questioned in an unusually soft voice.

Asher and James' relationship was almost like they're biological brothers. Every time Asher came over, he would be sure to give him a pat on the head or sometimes he would even bring James his favorite snacks.

"How was it?" I repeated with a chuckle. "It was...okay, I guess. We cried, laughed and cried again," I explained with a sad sigh.

He nodded his head. "Oh," I said, remembering something as he was walking away. He stopped abruptly as he heard me, "I met Ash's parents and Jenna."

"That's interesting," he said as he began walking away once again.

I had a slight smirk on my face. "Jenna's all grown up now; I barely recognized her!"

"Oh," he replied, not bothering to look at me.


After dinner and chatting with my family, I went upstairs and got ready for bed, even though I wasn't planning on sleeping very soon.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I changed to my Mickey Mouse themed pajamas.

I sat down on my chair and unlocked my phone, going to Instagram, but then soon I got bored. I didn't feel like sleeping yet.

An idea popped into my mind and I logged into my Facebook, which I rarely use anymore. Logging onto my account, I was greeted with many notifications; most of them were spams from my other friends inviting me to play certain games that I'm not really interested in.

Some of them were Michelle tagging me on several memes that she found funny. I rolled my eyes playfully as I chuckled softly. I've told her that I rarely use Facebook, yet she still tags me in it.

Other notifications were telling me about my friends' birthdays. One of them was Asher's birthday. Curious if people still do wish him a happy birthday, I clicked on his profile.

I smiled as I saw his profile picture. It was a picture of Nate, him and I smiling widely as we were posing beside the snowman we created and my mom took a picture of us. We named it Mr. Carrot. Such an original name, I know.

I vividly remembered that the event that occurred after that was a snowball fight, and I actually won against those two boys. Nate and Ash would suspiciously accuse me that Jo and Ashton helped me. I denied that statement because they didn't help me, they only made several huge snowballs for me.

Scrolling down on his profile, there were actually still some people wishing him a happy birthday and I recognized most of them as they were either our classmates or Ash's teammates from his basketball club in middle school.

Oscar Clyde
Happy birthday, Asher! I hope you're having a good time up there! I always remember the times we'd play together...

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