26: Is The World Against Me?

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"I never thought I'd say this, but I—" I sighed as I abruptly stopped reciting my script to my reflection. I looked around the white room and went to my chair to sit.

"—but I like you, too," I breathed out, trying to say it as passionately and as real as I could, which was hard because I have no feelings whatsoever with the main boy I'll be acting with.

Walking back to my mirror, I stared at it as I made faces at myself. I tried to make a sincere expression as I said my lines, "I like you too."

My bluish-green eyes sort of looked sincere as I repeated the line over and over again.

I figured out that I needed fresh air, so I headed to the balcony with the script in my hand. None of my neighbors were probably awake since it was still seven o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. I've already changed, brushed my teeth and washed my face if any of you were wondering.

"You're really cocky, you know that?" I said softly as I was trying to memorize my lines. I put my elbow on the balcony reel as I repeated several lines over and over again until I could memorize them.

I heard a sound and I jumped in shock. I tried to get to the source of the sound, and it seemed to be coming from the house that was in front of me. Maybe the person living in the room across mine was already awake.

I've never actually interacted or known the neighbor in that house, the only interaction I had with them was when I was singing out loud with Carson, and a boy told me that his older brother told me to shut up.

Come to think of that, the vague image of the boy came to my mind and he seemed very familiar now. As if the wind knocked me out, I felt dumb struck for not realizing it sooner.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, I heard a sound of a door opening, and I saw a figure coming out from their room to the balcony. As I looked clearly, my heart nearly dropped from surprise to see Luke Cooper, wearing a random t-shirt and shorts. His mahogany hair was slightly tousled than usual.

Upon looking at my probably shocked face, his face contained his usual smirk. "'Sup, neighbor?" he said with that stupid smirk.

"Seriously?" I sighed. "Is the world against me?"

He shrugged. "Maybe?"

I glared at him. "Have you known all along that we were neighbors?"

"Ever since I've heard your voice shouting out words with Carson," he simply said. I tried to fight off the embarrassment that was building up inside me.

"Oh, I sincerely apologize for it," I said with pure sarcasm dripping off the words. "Not. Did I wake you up this morning, too?"

He sighed dramatically as he heard my question. "Unfortunately, no, you did not."

I looked at my script and read the lines that I was supposed to be memorizing. "You're really cocky, you know?" I recited out loud to particularly no one and Luke's cerulean blue eyes looked at mine and smirked. I rolled my eyes, but then I realized that he was acting.

"I thought you liked it that way?" he said as if he was challenging me. I took a slight glance at the paper and he said it exactly as it was written.

Looking away from the paper, I faced him and had a shy smile on my face, but then changed my expression to a blank one. "Definitely not. I ha–" I was cut off by a voice.

"Good morning Lu–" a voice I recognized to be Sarah, his mom, stopped abruptly as I heard the door in his room opened. "Are you on the balcony?"

He turned away from me and faced his room. "Morning, Mom," he greeted plainly. "Yeah, I'm out here."

I saw Sarah's figure coming closer to us and stopped at the door's frame. She looked at me in slight surprise. "Oh, hello Anna," she greeted, which I politely said back. "What a lovely surprise! I didn't know we were neighbors," she exclaimed.

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