25: But Fret Not

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Not too long after that, Nate and Michelle came, followed by Jo and Lucy.

"Have you kids been good today?" questioned Jo as he approached us. I rolled my eyes at him as he called us kids. He's only a few years older than us.

Despite that, everyone nodded their heads, and he smiled. "Hope you had fun," he said, and stopped his gaze at me as he gave me a comforting smile. I knew what he meant by looking at me, and I smiled back and slightly nodded.

After that, we had dinner together and soon, it was time to go.

We were walking back to the parking lot where Michelle's and Jo's cars were parked from before. Jo's arms were swung on my shoulder as we walked, while Lucy was with Luke behind us.

"Remember where I fell down?" I suddenly said with a small laugh, looking at him.

He looked confused for a moment before letting out an 'oh,' "Yeah, I do!" he exclaimed. "You fell down in that place near the ice-cream stand, didn't you?" I nodded my head, and I saw him smiling sadly. "It was such a fun day, until Nate took my beanie. It was freezing cold," he said, shaking his head.

I laughed along, "Oh yeah, I remembered him wearing a beanie that was about twice his size." He nodded his head and I think Nate heard us as he turned around and glared at us. "I wish I could just go back," I sighed sadly.

"I do, too, Anna," Jo said, nodding his head with a small smile. "If only. But I guess what's done is done."

I nodded my head and he gave me a hug.

"Aw, how sweet!" I heard Michelle's voice exclaimed, and I immediately broke the hug and wiped my eyes just in case. She let a small laugh as she pointed at Nate. "It's like Jonathan loves Anna more than you!"

I smirked at Nate, who just mumbled, "Whatever."


Before I knew it, I was stuck at the back of the car once again with Luke as Nate was driving and Michelle, the owner of the car, was seated on the passanger's side.

Jo and Lucy headed back to their places as soon as we bid each other goodbye, and the four of us were going back home.

Thankfully, unlike Lucy, Michelle suggested turning on the radio. Nobody quarreled, especially Nate. But there were times when I sang some songs that I knew, and Luke conplained, saying I was to noisy. That made me sing even louder, accompanied by my two friends.

Soon, we reached a familiar neighborhood. "Where should I drop you off, Luke?" Nate asked him, looking at him through the rearview mirror.

He seemed silent for a few moments as he looked at the scenery through the window. "I'll get off there," he said, surprising me as he pointed to the direcion of where my house was. I don't exactly remember where he lived.

"Oh, okay," Nate said, looking at me through the mirror. He sounded like he was holding on a smirk. "What a coincidence," he said, awkwardly chuckling.

I maintained a blank face as I secretly still wanted to strangle Nate for everything he did today. Okay, except for the part where he surprised me with Jo coming to my debut band performance. Other than that, I want to.

Since I had been plotting a crime for Nate in my head, I hadn't realized that the car had halted in front of my house. "Anna, it's your stop, too," Michelle said sweetly, but not in the good motherly sweetly type.

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