Chapter One

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The reflection of the sun danced across the waves of the Brighton beach as it began to sink below the horizon. The beach was pretty much deserted by this point, tourists long gone by now, leaving only a handful of local dog walkers traipsing along the shore. The sky was littered with royal reds and golds, the perfect romantic backdrop for any couple. Except I am sat here alone.

Once again, my stupid (sorry, love her really) best friend Madison Isabel Phillips has ditched me to be with her boyfriend Felix Hale. Summer is almost over and I have only seen her once this entire time. I understand that real love is a precious and rare thing, but does it really mean having to spend literally every second of every day with your other half? I suppose I don't really understand that feeling just yet.

This summer has really been a quiet one without my friends. I know what you're all thinking: surely you have more than just the one friend? And I do, it's just that Isaac spent his summer backpacking around Europe with his parents. Lucky thing. I myself have never actually left England. Tragic, isn't it? France is a mere ferry ride away but I have never had the opportunity, nor the funds to go. I plan on travelling the world one day, seeing all that this earth has to offer and more.

"Paige Walker? It is you! I knew I could recognise that hoodie!" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I stared up into the face of the one, the only, Scott Harper.

How to describe the heart-throb that is Scott Harper? Just the sound of his voice alone made my heart race inside my chest and now I can feel the butterflies doing back flips around in my stomach as I look up at his face. Scott's blue eyes match perfectly with the ocean and also have an oddly calming effect, like the waves are washing over you and taking away your anxieties. I have always wanted to run my fingers through his golden blond hair though I think he would feel very awkward if I ever attempted it. He towers over me, casting me into his shadow, his broad shoulders causing his shirt to strain across his chest and leave little to the imagination as to the chiselled abs that lay underneath.

I've known Scott almost my entire life, yet this summer has been the first time we've ever really hung out. Since Madison was ditching me for Felix and Felix was ditching Scott for Madison, it just kind of made sense that we should just make plans of our own.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Go ahead." He settled down onto the step next to me and joined me in staring out across the ocean. We sat there for a few moments in a comfortable silence. I was hyper-aware of how close to me he was sitting and I had to end the silence before I did something stupid like lean over and kiss him. Oh, how I longed to do just that but it's definitely not acceptable to go around kissing whomever you like whenever you please. I need to stop these thoughts right now.

"Don't you feel, I don't know, left out by Felix and Madison? They keep ditching us for each other." Good going Paige. A nice, normal conversation starter.

"That's just the way it is when you are young and in love." He turned to face me, a smile lighting up his face. "Besides, I like being able to hang out with you more." Oh my god. Did he seriously just say that? Fireworks are exploding inside my brain and heart but I got to play it cool, can't let him know how powerful a control he has over me. A small smile tugged at my lips, enough for him to know I was pleased at his statement, but not wide enough that he would think of me as a crazy person.

"It's getting kind of late. Come on, I'll walk you home." My heart skipped a beat. He rose to his feet and offered out a hand to assist me with standing too. A hand I gladly took and held onto the entire walk home.

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