Chapter Two

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He paused for a moment outside the front door of my house.

"I don't suppose you would like to hang out again, just the two of us? Not because we've been ditched but because we want to."

"I'd like that." His whole face lit up in a grin at my response.

"I'll text you later then. See you soon." He released his hold on my hand and pressed a chaste kiss to my forehead before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving me stood by my door, my face the exact colour of a tomato and probably hot enough to fry an egg.

I don't know how long just stood there frozen but I was pulled out of my dream state when the front door swung open, causing me to stumble as I had been leaning against it.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were there." One of the guests who was currently staying at my parent's bed and breakfast stood in the doorway, an apologetic look painted across her face.

"It's alright Mrs Price, I just wasn't paying attention." I smiled brightly to try and help with assuring her that I was fine. It was clearly successful based on the slight smile I got in return. I noticed she was dragging a large pink suitcase behind her and remembered that today was her last day staying with us.

"I hope you have a safe journey home."

"Thank you. Please tell your parents that I absolutely adore this place and will definitely being staying here again in the near future."

I nodded at her request, proud that my parents received such high praise and slipped past her into the house.

This is the house I have lived in my entire life, my childhood home and all of my best (and worst) memories revolve around this place. They are etched into the carpet, sown into the curtains and painted across the walls. Visitors always comment on the crayon drawings framed on the wall and expect to see a six year old when my parents tell them they were drawn by their daughter, but instead they are greeted by a girl ten years older than they first thought.

As an only child, I am glad to live here; there is never a dull moment and always new, exciting people to meet or (yawn) work to do. It also helps whenever I need to borrow money from my parents, they know that I definitely will work for it.

The guest rooms are on the first and second floor with our family rooms being on the very top floor, where guests are definitely not allowed to go. It is kind of frustrating to have to walk up all those stairs after a long day of school when I am really exhausted but I practically floated up those stairs today. Besides, the view from my bedroom window makes it totally worth it.

My room looks over the ocean and I can often spend hours hypnotised by the gently crashing waves. The ocean is probably my biggest inspiration when it comes to my art and writing, mostly because as well as having an undeniable beauty, there is a violent side hidden underneath. I adore the way the sea looks during a storm, huge cascades of water crashing over each other in their haste to reach the shore and wreck havoc on the sand.

My walls are the same baby pink they have always been since my birth, though most of the colour has now been covered by canvases that have captured the ocean in all it's glory and also Polaroid photographs of myself and my friends. I put my favourite in the centre, a photo of me, Scott, Felix and Madison from our GCSE results day, cheshire cat grins spread across all of our faces due to all getting the results we had been hoping for as well as the acceptance into our school's Sixth Form. I particularly like this one as there is a look of pure joy on Scott's face and a blush on mine as he had wrapped one of his arms around my waist. I am honestly suprised that I lived through that, I thought I would collapse after being exposed to the smile of an angel.

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