Chapter Six

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Monday morning came way faster than I expected. The harsh beeping of my alarm pulled me out of my rather pleasant dreams and I fumbled around with my eyes still half closed trying to turn it off.

A groan escaped my lips when I remebered that today was the first day back to school, only this time I would be going as a Sixth Form student for the first time. Thank God I never have to wear that stupid tie and ridiculous blazer ever again! We do still have a dress code though (professional), but it is so much better to be able to express myself more through what I wear. Luckily, I had arranged my outfit the night before so that I wouldn't be in such a rush this morning and could take my time getting ready and actually have the time to do my hair and makeup after my shower for once. I normally wouldn't put in that much effort, but today is the first day and I want to make a good impression on my new teachers.

The outfit I had chosen to wear was a checkered black and white sleeveless dress that fell almost to my knees along with my favourite pair of ebony wedge heels. Summer has only just ended so the weather is still pretty intense and I won't be needing a jacket or else I will just end up sweating off all the makeup I had spent so long ensuring was perfect.

Scott, Madison, Felix and I had all arranged to meet this morning before school at around eight, so even though I woke up at half past six, I still managed to be running late. We're meeting at the nearest cafe to our school, Cafe Marmalade, which has the best breakfast foods in all of Brighton (besides my parent's food, of course) so at least I won't be delayed any longer by trying to rush a finish my breakfast in time since we will just eat there.

I raced down the stairs, grabbing my new school bag on the way, and went to the kitchen to say goodbye to my parents who were busy preparing the breakfasts for the current guests.

"Oh, honey, there is a guy waiting outside for you. Said you were walking to school together?" My mother looked at me over her shoulder as she continued with her egg frying. Scott said he would walk to the cafe with me and my heart beat increased with the information that he was already here waiting for me. He said he would be there at quarter to eight so I guess he is running early as it is barely half seven.

"He was such a polite gentleman, you'd better hold on tight to that one sweetie." My father chuckled at the shade of red my face went from my mother's comment and I hightailed it out of there.

I gave myself a final once-over in the floor length mirror we have standing in the hallway near the door, adjusting a few stray hairs here and there and tugging down the hem of my dress to make it look more professional.

Through the frosted glass panes of the front door, I could see that he was waiting there for me and I took a few deep breaths to compose myself before taking the handle and pushing the door open.

"Hey princess." Aaron stood there with a massive smirk covering his entire face.

That's just the way it is (complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें