Chapter Thirteen

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After Mr Collins had sorted out everything all of the basic new year preparation, he sent us to either our lessons or a free period. My first lesson today isn't until period four (before lunch) so I can just use this time to properly catch up with Isaac and Madison since they are both free as well.

Our school has several different places available for the sixth form students to hang out in when we don't have a lesson: the common room, the library, the study room and the study hub that is connected to the school's kitchen so we can order food from there during the day and avoid those nasty long lunch queues in the food hall. We obviously chose to sit in the study hub, it has the perfect balance between a working and relaxing environment since it isn't as quiet as the silent study room and library or as loud and chaotic as the common room.

"Where were you this morning? We had told you to wait for Scott but your parents told him you had left with another guy!"

"Sorry, that was my fault. I didn't know about your plans and I thought it would be nice to catch up with P before school so..." Isaac trailed off.

"The whole point of it was to help get Paige and Scott get together as a couple and you just had to stick your big foot in it didn't you?"

Isaac and Madison have never really been good friends, they both just kind of tolerate each other as to not upset me. They spend most of their time bickering and insulting each other over the smallest of things and I think I know why.

Back when we were in year ten, they turned me into the third wheel when they started dating like a week after I had introduced them to each other. Obviously, their relationship wasn't going to last since it was based on 'we have a mutual friend so we must have something in common' and 'jeez, you're cute'. They lasted longer than I thought they would, just over five months but their break-up was pretty explosive. Isaac accused Madison of being a control freak when she questioned him about the rumours going around saying that he had slept with someone else. I doubt Isaac did it, he's always been a loyal friend so he would also be a loyal boyfriend, right? Anyway, she didn't take too kindly to being called a control freak so she slapped him and he dumped her two seconds later. To be honest, I don't think Madison has gotten over him yet, as much as she goes on about how Felix is amazing and all that, I think she still hasn't fully moved on.

I just leaned back in my seat while they continued to argue with each other and took a quick glance around the study hub. It's pretty empty right now since the year thirteens have an assembly, so it's just us and one other table in here. Harvey catches my eye and sends me a knowing glance, his eyes flicking to the bickering next to me. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm right though, aren't I, Paige?" The mention of my name pulled me back into their conversation and Madison was staring at me expectantly.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Isaac is ruining your chances with Scott! Everyone knows the kind of guy Isaac is so it's no wonder Scott is keeping his distance!" I rolled my eyes again and laid my head on the desk as I groaned.

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